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The Nerdery Movie Night #100: Young Adult and Super Spicy Popcorn Snack Popcorn

100! That's not what we rate the popcorn. Or the movie. But we like the combo of Charlize Theron and Patton Oswalt.

Super Spicy Popcorn Snack

Dave: What happens when one of those “big city woman returns to her small town to find love and meaning” movies goes horribly wrong? The main character doesn’t find love, barely redeems herself, and is still a huge mess at the end. That’s exactly what happens to Charlize Theron in Young Adult. Theron plays her character entirely straight and unflinching - she’s delusional enough to believe her own schtick. And Patton Oswalt plays the wounded, bitter and down-to-earth nerd as a great foil to Theron’s self-deception and flightiness. The ending is a bit tacked-on, but it’s fun watching everyone make their way there (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Even though this popcorn is called “spicy” something or other, there’s only a bit of spice to it. If I hadn’t seen Joe put all the herbs and spices in it, I never would have believed they were there. Did we eat the whole thing? Yes. Would I eat another bowl sometime? Sure. Would it make my top 20? Nah. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Charlize Theron may be one of the most under-rated A-list actresses out there. I always forget what a powerhouse she is, and Young Adult plays to her strengths. As Mavis, she's never anything short of cringe-y, but it's hard to not feel a deep-seated pity for her, largely thanks to Theron's fully committed performance. I appreciated how unapologetically this was written - it might be Cody Diablo's best screenplay yet. Patton Oswalt is lovable, too, and I quite liked the pathos he brought to his character. All told, it was a good movie. And it made me miss my Mini Cooper. A lot. (⭐️⭐1/2)

"Super Spicy Popcorn Snack". That's what this popcorn is called, and that snack part kind of throws me for a loop, because it implies that there's more to the popcorn than just... popcorn. But there isn't. It's literally popcorn with mustard powder, black pepper, cayenne, and Italian seasoning. No other bells and whistles. Thank god I thought to add butter and to season it with a little bit of salt, because both heightened the flavor a little. Otherwise, I wouldn't have detected much spicy. And certainly no super. I do find a certain satisfaction in grinding mustard seeds into powder. So there's that. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

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