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The Nerdery Movie Night #102: Hail Satan? and Black Sesame Mustard Popcorn

In which Joe discovers his true calling in a faith [cue a slew of unfriending] and we tip our hat to the Popcorn Board once again.

Black Sesame Mustard Popcorn

Dave: So, I think this documentary has convinced Joe that he’s a satanist. I prefer to think of him as a slightly evangelical Unitarian. Either way this movie and the movement it documents are a breath of fresh air in the current climate. Their subtle subversion of the Christian church’s insistence on faith and belief and the place that belief has taken in our legal system is brilliant. Still, I’m fine cheering them on from the sidelines. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

I’ve forgotten what this popcorn was called, but whatever it was, the combo of sesame oil and dried mustard made it pretty magical. It was dark and complex and (I think) pretty simple, even if it was a little on the salty side. I paid little attention to what Joe did to make it, though, so it probably included something ridiculous and hard to find. Even so, though, I’d happily down a second bowl next week! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: I am an atheist. I'm not afraid of that term and how it may unnerve many people. It's just true. I wasn't raised in a faithful family, and I don't feel anything when it comes to spirituality - even in the vaguest sense of that term. If anything, I guess I believe in nature and being good to people - even when I'm being a total Mean Girl. Anyway. I turned to Dave about halfway through this film and whispered, "Oh, my god, Dave, I think..." and he interrupted, "You are not a Satanist." But gentle reader, I think I am. If the tenets that are the foundation of this "church" are true to heart, I absolutely am. This was one hell of a documentary, and I urge everyone to watch it, regardless of your faith (or lack thereof). It pushes against the idea that Christianity should govern this country and that a lot of our laws are actually in direct opposition of the Constitution. It also promotes the idea that we should amplify the voices of oppressed and marginalized peoples, which is something I believe we all can get behind. (⭐️⭐⭐⭐1/2)

Methinks mustard powder is my new favorite food accoutrement. Add it to black sesame seeds, sesame oil, salt, and butter, and you've got a winner. We've recently had some questionable entries from our usually beloved Popcorn Board website, but this popcorn rights all those wrongs. We're back in the saddle: this was goddamn delicious. Punchy mustard, buttery goodness, and the crunch of sesame seeds is a truly marvelous combination. Also Dave made a cocktail called Satan's Whiskers (pictured above with our popcorn) to accompany the popcorn, and then we closed the evening with a nightcap of Jim Beam's Devil's Cut bourbon, which is a pure delight. What a hedonistic evening we've had! Hail Satan! (⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

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