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The Nerdery Movie Night #123: Eyes Without a Face and Elote-Style Popcorn

Rubbery-faced women will surely play into our nightmares tonight, and our first exposure to Tajín is... good, not great.

Elote-Style Popcorn

Dave: I kept calling this movie She Ain't Got No Face because, really, that is kind of the point: the main character doesn't have a face and, instead, seems to have had her face replaced with molasses. The film seems to fall in line with several other psychologically-tinged horror films of the 1950s and 60s, with the added bonuses of some really grisly special effects and genuinely eerie portrayals, even if the acting was a bit stilted. The over-acting and numerous too-long reaction shots were effective, though, in driving home the otherworldliness of the plot - they made every scene seem heightened and even small plot points, like talking on the phone or having a drink in a café, seem weighty and eerie. Some parts of the plot, like the birdcages in every room, weren't really explained well, but this is worth a watch if you're into creepy older horror flicks. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Oh, Martha. I'm not sure what possessed you to publish a recipe that combined Romano cheese and Tajín seasoning. Perhaps this was part of your bid to become relevant again after your short prison stint and before your weird bromance with Snoop Dogg. At any rate, this recipe felt like it was nearly ready for prime time, but not quite - the Tajín seasoning isn't as spicy as I expected, but definitely has a huge pungent kick of lime. The butter and salt only enhanced the pungent lime and the Romano cheese managed to give it a weird mothball-like aftertaste. I'm not saying it was all bad - I certainly devoured my half of the bowl - but I was,  frankly, expecting more from our first foray with Tajín. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: As we are only dozens of hours from November, we're thusly ending our Horror Movie Month, though longtime readers will note that we watch a fair number of horror films throughout the year. I selected this film because Dave wasn't keen on watching the Korean horror film #Alive. Frankly, this movie was likely as unnerving as an apocalyptic zombie bloodbath. Rooted more in psychological horror, this is a deeply disturbing flick. In fact, there's a surgery sequence that, despite being in black & white, was absolutely horrifying to watch. The gore, though tame by modern standards, is unnerving, and the imagery in the final frames is haunting. Very much recommended. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

My friend Valerie moved to San Diego a couple years ago, and recently alerted me to the existence of Tajín, exalting its combination with watermelon. In this popcorn, it's decisively sharp and sour, mellowed only by the Romano cheese and butter. There's a curious combatting of flavors in this recipe, and of the three Elote-like popcorns we've tried, I'd rank this at the bottom. Not because of the Tajín, but because the balance of sharp and sweet isn't quite nailed. I'm disappointed, Martha. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Martha Stewart!

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