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The Nerdery Movie Night #132: Reversal of Fortune and Tex-Mex Mix Popcorn

Why 👏🏻 doesn't 👏🏻 Glenn 👏🏻 Close 👏🏻 have 👏🏻 an 👏🏻 Academy 👏🏻 Award

Tex-Mex Mix Popcorn

Dave: This movie was peak 1980s: shoulder pads everywhere, all of the gaudy, overwrought, nouveau riche furnishings, giant portable phones and clunky computers, and (relatively) quaint celebrity scandals. I originally chose it because Glenn Close can do no wrong - and she does what she can with some overwritten and under-nuanced voice overs while she’s literally in a coma. Her acting (including many scenes when she’s incapacitated), was unimpeachable. However, Jeremy Irons’s acting, with his mouth that never opens more than a half-inch, makes the movie. A lesser actor would have broken the quiet, enigmatic reserve and, thus, ruined the film, but Irons leans into the unlikeableness and unsettling reserve of the character to great effect. Sadly, many of the extras playing Harvard college students have a child-actor “IT’S MY LINE” kind of vibe that does not mesh well with Irons’s nuanced main character. Still, this film was both gripping and disturbing, even if you discount Dershowitz’s later fondness for lowlifes like Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and the man who will only be in the White House for 4 1/2 more days. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

When Joe said he’d need a block of Monterey Jack cheese, I got nervous. Historically, our popcorns with cheese - especially softer cheese like Jack - have ended up one of two ways: 1) soggy and kind of gross or 2) with all the cheese and spices sitting at the bottom of the bowl with the unpopped kernels, so you risk a dental emergency if you want to eat the good stuff. Happily, the “tiny cubes of cheese in a bowl of popcorn” trick the Popcorn Board suggested was really effective! We got an even distribution of cheese throughout our popcorn, and it didn’t melt and make the entire bowl a soggy, gross mess! The addition of cumin and chili powder put it over the top! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: This film's cast was a veritable who's-who of 1980s/90s cinema, and the acting from the principle leads is top notch, especially Jeremy Irons who commands the audience's attention in ever scene. He absolutely deserved the Academy Award. The film is also masterfully constructed, flitting between skepticism and resoluteness from the first frame. The conclusion is satisfyingly ambiguous, though since Dershowitz has since proven himself to be unscrupulous scum, I can't help but have a bitter taste in my mouth. Still, Glenn Close chain-smoking and chewing up the scenery without moving an eyebrow (seriously - I'm so impressed when actors don't use their eyebrows) is my Ultimate Mood Board. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

There's no way this popcorn wasn't going to achieve a 100%. Cumin, chili powder, smoked paprika, salt, and chunks of Monterey Jack cheese, popcorn. It's almost as if a divine being phoned the Popcorn Board and was like, "Yo, I got a winning combination" and the Popcorn Board was like, "Who are we to argue with a Supreme Being?" We finished the bowl in record time and I briefly flirted with making another batch. Common sense prevailed. But frankly I'm wishing it hadn't. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

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1 Comment

Jan 17, 2021

Great write up. Popcorn sounds wonderful!

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