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The Nerdery Movie Night #146: Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar and Basil Garlic Popcorn

May Hollywood forever green light scripts written by Mumolo & Wiig. May popcorn always be this delicious.

Basil Garlic Popcorn

Dave: Sometimes, after a year of being more or less locked inside our houses, enduring brutal, cage-fight-style politics, and watching the state try to trample a grassroots movement for equality and justice, we just need a really, really, really dumb movie to cleanse our collective palate. Barb and Star deliver. The machine gun style, mindless Midwestern banter, during which the main characters utter lines like “we should find some horses and put their tails in our mouths,” or, upon getting to Florida, “it smells just like Red Lobster!” is oddly soothing. The treacly “love conquers all” and “friendship is magic” story lines don’t seem completely vapid, tucked into an insane plot involving Vista Del Mar’s Seafood Jam Festival, an evil revenge plot, banana boats, illicit romances, some light drug use, and killer mosquitoes. It helps that Annie Mumolo (Barb) and Kristin Wiig (Star) really seem to enjoy each others’ company: watching them fight, make up, and banter in flat, Midwestern accents is really enough to make a whole movie. Also, Reyn Doi as Yoyo, the evil child genius gives seriously high camp, particularly opening the movie lip syncing to Barbara Streisand while on his paper route. As with many of our movies, it’s not high art, but it’s worth a watch. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Honestly, we plowed through this popcorn so fast I can’t remember it clearly anymore. But it must have been good - there was definitely garlic, also basil. And lots of salt and butter. I probably could have eaten another bowl of the stuff. It's a good thing laughing (and then rewinding the movie and laughing some more) burns calories! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: It was almost a guarantee that I was going to love this movie. To wit: Bridesmaids will forever be one of my favorites. Also, Kristen Wiig is 100% my favorite modern-day comedian. Frankly, she could read the telephone book and I would watch every second - her facial expressions alone will often leave me gasping-for-air-laughing. Star and Barb Go to Vista Del Mar isn't quite the treasure trove I expected it to be, but it's also not a total loss. The script is all over the place: it's absurdist, surreal, dumb, corny, campy, and cheek-burning hilarious. The acting plays entirely to the inanity, and that only adds to the sheer joy of it all. I laughed a lot, but I wanted more. Still, this is a flick I'd gladly watch again. Because we watched it on DVD, we were treated to bloopers and deleted scenes that enhanced the whole experience. I am unabashedly (⭐⭐⭐⭐) even through the critics kinda shat on it.

I'm beginning to think that the secret to amazing popcorn is simplicity. The more pared down the flavors, the better, and this concoction is proof positive. Though the recipe called for olive oil instead of butter, I called bullshit and went with butter. And I'm glad I did. The fresh basil leant a richly herbaceous aroma to the garlicky butteriness. It's been awhile since we made a popcorn from this tome, but I think it's time to start revisiting, even if most of the recipes are sweet. Friends, I implore you to send us more savory recipes if you find them. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Party Popcorn by Ashton Epps Swank (2014)

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