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The Nerdery Movie Night #155: Gunpowder Milkshake and Snickerdoodle Honey Popcorn

Prepare thyself for a bloodbath and for a sugary popcorn that also features enough salt to make the Dead Sea jealous.

Snickerdoodle Honey Popcorn

Dave: Even though Joe said he heard this movie had gore from beginning to end, I didn’t expect this much of a bloodbath. The women in Gunpowder Milkshake (which I kept calling Bubblegum Typewriter) don’t spare anyone. I loved Karen Gillian as the lead - her acting was spare and reserved, a good foil to the absolute batshit day-glo insanity happening around her for the majority of the film. Carla Gugino, Michelle Yeoh, and Angela Bassett were dynamite as three badass librarians who know their way around a firearm or two. Ultimately, though, the film’s early plot and dialogue could have leaned further into the campy vibe that the stylized scenes and painstakingly choreographed fight scenes create. After a few blowout fight sequences, the other choices make sense, but the first 20 minutes were a little artistically confusing. The mother-daughter story at the center of the movie was trite but serviceable, given the genre. Definitely don’t watch this one with the kids! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe is nuts about snickerdoodles, so I thought this popcorn was sure to be a winner. As I was making the sugar/cinnamon/honey/butter sludge that coats the popcorn, the proportions of ingredients seemed a little goofy. I double-checked, though, and they were right! I should have trusted my intuition, though - the result was a sweet popcorn that was teetering on the edge of Great Salt Lake levels of salty. It was edible - and actually pretty tasty - but I’ve also had to consume several bottles of water since the movie started, and the intense salt distracted from the honey and cinnamon. I did still lick the bowl when we were done, though. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: Gunpowder Milkshake hasn't been a hit with the critics, but when my sister excitedly texted me an enthusiastic review, I had to give it a chance. I'm glad it did. Brutally violent and wildly entertaining, it's the kind of flick that requires you to suspend all disbelief and just go along for the ride. Saturated in neon lights, candy-colored set pieces, and a soundtrack that purposely belies the action (Stereolab's "French Disko" makes an appearance at one point, much to my 90s Indie Kid delight), Gunpowder Milkshake is a feast for the eyes and ears, even while it's being simultaneously ludicrous and schmaltzy. The clunky dialogue is forgivable, especially when Angela Bassett kills a goon with a hammer through his mouth and Michelle Yeoh offs a diner-ful of thugs in the epic slow-motion finalé (over The Animals' "It's All Over, Baby Blue", no less). The critics are joyless: this is brainless, bloody fun. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Anybody who knows me knows that I love cinnamon almost as much as I love almonds. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my jam, and this popcorn is basically an homage to that cereal (and to my favorite cookie - snickerdoodles, obvs). There's allegedly honey hiding in the mix, but I was too busy shoving mouthfuls of this divine concoction into my gob to even notice. (Very) salty, sweet, cinnamon-y, and the perfect sugar rush for a film like Gunpowder Milkshake. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: photocopy of something called 15 Amazing Popcorn Recipes by Samuel Miller

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