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The Nerdery Movie Night #165: Lethal Weapon and Popcorn Apple Pie à la Mode

Straight men have been losing the plot for decades now. The movie is proof. Assuming "Kirk Castle" is even a man (or straight) the popcorn is, perhaps, not proof.

Popcorn Apple Pie à la Mode

Dave: I’m confused about so many things after watching this movie. For example: How did I not know the Queen of Christmas and all-around icon Darlene Love was in Lethal Weapon? How was a grown Mel Gibson’s cringey flirtation with a high school girl a whimsical plot point in an otherwise mainstream 1980s film? And, perhaps most importantly, why did the director of this film make a buddy cop movie using two main characters that were definitely not buddies? Really. Mel Gibson and Danny Glover spend an awkward 15 minutes drinking cheap beer in a boat parked in Danny Glover’s driveway, and in that time they go from near-enemies to take-a-bullet-for-you besties. They were even good enough friends Danny Glover stopped an army of cops from interfering as Gary Busey beat the living tar out of Mel Gibson in the final scene of the movie. Y’all, straight culture is so weird. (️️⭐️⭐️)

So far, I’ve stayed pretty far away from popcorn recipes that call for Kool-Aid or instant pudding, because: gross. But, dear readers, this week I had to choose between a pudding recipe and one that involved raw ramen noodles. I think I chose well. The quick caramel that coated the popcorn made it sticky, but not overly wet, and the addition of cinnamon and vanilla pudding mix wasn’t as cloying and chemical-tasting as I’d expected. In fact, it was pretty good. There weren’t quite enough of the crushed apple chips for my taste, but I wolfed down more than half the bowl, and Joe seemed to enjoy what he ate, I think? Even if he didn’t, I’d make it again - if it had a little more time to set, this would be a great popcorn to make for company. Or for me to eat for dinner myself while Joe is off at a fancy librarian conference. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: First of all, can we please discuss why mullets are making a comeback? The volume of feathered atrocities I've seen on campus recently - mostly attached to jockish Gen Zers - is enough to make me want to sucker-punch Mel Gibson. Well, there are many reasons to want to sucker-punch Mel Gibson, and frankly, this film is one of them. It's a more offensive, watered-down Beverly Hills Cop with none of the tongue-in-cheek humor or exciting action sequences. To put it mildly: like most 80s films, it has aged poorly. Mel Gibson plays a testosterone-fueled "crazy" cop and Donald Glover plays his counterpart. Though restraint is something this film lacks, Glover's performance comes close, and the racial comments peppered throughout (e.g., the "free South Africa" sticker on the fridge, the kid saying "Mom says cops only shoot Black people") feel prescient, especially given the bullshit Rittenhouse verdict today. Not enough to save this steaming turd. (⭐1/2)

Who thinks to add powdered pudding mix to popcorn? Kirk Castle, that's who. Who thinks to mix it with Karo syrup? Kirk Castle, that's who. Who thinks to toss in dried apples to approximate a pie? Kirk Castle, that's who. Who has the audacity to self-publish this recipe and hope some rubes stumble upon it on Amazon? Kirk Castle, you magnificent bastard, that's who. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: 100 Popcorn Recipes by "Kirk Castle"

Lethal Weapon on IMDB.

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