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The Nerdery Movie Night #170: The Queen of Versailles and Cajun Corn

A film that makes it easier to hate the wealthy and a popcorn that makes it easier to love the Popcorn Board.

Cajun Corn

Dave: This film is more complicated than I thought it would be. I expected to watch a bunch of rich, privileged people thrown into normal life, kind of like Schitt’s Creek, without as many jokes and without as much heart. But there are just enough glimpses of some folks at the center of this film being normal and human that you don’t hate them, even if you aren’t rooting for them too hard. Then, of course, they talk about how many thousands of dollars some ridiculous piece of furniture cost or how they’re suffering too because they can’t keep up their normal lifestyle and you’re right back to loathing them. It was particularly richly rewarding watching their kitchen and family room turn morph into any harried mom’s cluttered, disorganized house as they let cleaning staff and nannies go. The coup de grace, though, is that they managed to keep the house and they’re still intent on finishing it, proving that no one really learned their lesson from the mid 2000s financial crash, did they? (️️️️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Who’d have thunk it? A kind of subtle Cajun popcorn that still has bite! We’ve had a few vaguely similar spicy popcorns, but the Popcorn Board came through for us again. The popcorn was spicy, but not blow-out-your-taste-buds hot: just enough to give the popcorn a bit of a kick. The butter and salt ratios were near-perfect and the popcorn didn’t end up salty, to boot! (️️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: I watched this film when it was released a decade ago, but I didn't really remember much of it, and was delighted when Dave picked it because I remember quite liking it. "Like" is such a weird word to use with this film, too. Rich people gaming the system, filling their house with shit that will wind up in a landfill and being generally unaware of their own privilege wasn't great in 2012. In the aftermath Trump running this country into the ground and billionaires getting richer during the pandemic, it's aged poorly. The intention never was to make this family even remotely likable, and in that case: mission accomplished. Eat the rich and mega-rich. They fucking suck. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

We've had a couple iterations of Cajun popcorn (or just "corn", as the case may be), and this one from our friends at the Popcorn Board was pretty solid. The citrusy zing of the lemon pepper played well off the cayenne, and there was a nice balance of flavors throughout. Next outing, I might tone down the garlic powder by a quarter of a teaspoon and add some salt. All said, this was an easy recipe that benefited from its simplicity. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐)

Popcorn recipe from: The Popcorn Board

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