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The Nerdery Movie Night #180: The Bob's Burgers Movie and Crunchy Popcorn Trail Mix

Do Aldi™ brand Cheerios belong in popcorn? Do we need an explanation for Louise Belcher's bunny ears? Yes and yes.

Crunchy Popcorn Trail Mix

Dave: It’s always a little scary when a TV show one dearly loves decides to make a movie. Often the results are horrible (The Facts of Life Goes To Paris, anyone?) or simply tepid and uninspiring (Bewitched or Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie). The Bob’s Burgers Movie wasn’t perfect, but it was definitely better than most. The plot felt fully-developed and didn’t take place in some weird alternate universe where the characters had problems or quirks that were absent from the original series. Instead, the film was true to the original characters, incredibly sweet, though a bit convoluted, and finally filled in the backstory of Louise’s ears! It’s not a great film, but might be a movie we pull up for a mindless comfort watch sometime. (️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

After I made this popcorn, I asked Joe to go in and look at it to let me know if he wanted Real Dinner before we had popcorn. It toed the line between sweet and savory popcorn: there were hearty elements like (Aldi brand) Cheerios, sunflower seeds, and dried cherries, but there was also half a stick of butter and several tablespoons of brown sugar. In the end and with a liberal dose of salt, it ended up being more than enough for a meal. It wasn’t fancy, but the weird stovetop-and-microwave technique for the caramel worked beautifully - the popcorn ended up crunchy and crisp and all off the mix-ins didn’t just sink to the bottom for once. It wasn’t the most sophisticated recipe, but I’d definitely make it again! (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: We are a household that loves Bob's Burgers. We've watched every season, - yes, all twelve of them - we own the first soundtrack collection, a puzzle, and a cookbook. The show is a fine antidote for the dumpster fire alternative we're living in. The jokes come fast, and even when they don't always land, it's comforting to visit old and familiar friends. The transition to big screen was a pretty predictable affair: a plot that could have been a single half hour episode stretched well beyond its limit. Sure, it was fun and the animation department clearly had a larger budget, but I can't say that it was an entirely successful endeavor. The madcap shenanigans that work really well in a condensed time period feel a little forced as the minutes tick by. Still, it's Bob's Burgers, so it's better than even the most average film. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Dave thought this popcorn might be too sweet for dinner, but I argued that the addition of nuts and sunflower seeds and Cheerios would balance out the sweetness. I was right. This was ridiculously delicious, each handful a delightful balance of salt and sugar. The bursts of dried cherries added a tart zing that further enhanced the experience. It's definitely a sweet dinner, but it's one that I'd gladly have again and again. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

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Jul 16, 2022

Never knew Bob made a movie. I’ll be sure to add in the mix just after the Gilmore Girls. What could be better.

Sep 20, 2022
Replying to

What could be better? A GILMORE GIRLS MOVIE!! Let's write the studio execs now!

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