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The Nerdery Movie Night #181: Bathtubs Over Broadway and Cheesy Pepperoni Popcorn

My bathroom, my bathroom is much more than it may seem, where I wash and where I cream.

Cheesy Pepperoni Popcorn

Dave: My initial movie night pick was a bit too long to watch once we sat down in front of the TV, so I had to scramble to find a substitute. I chose the documentary about industrial musicals, or musicals made for mid-century corporate events, because I thought it would be a lark. Real Broadway composers and lyricists writing songs about toilets and refrigerators? Singers belting out tunes about silicone and hamburgers? The collector/narrator behind the film really takes these whimsical musicals seriously as art, not just as the punchlines of jokes, even if everyone realizes that industrial musicals were a strange phenomenon. Seeing these folks recognized for their work, reminiscing with colleagues, and mourning the losses of those who’ve passed is surprisingly moving. The narrator’s own backstory isn’t always as gripping (though watching his daughter give him backhanded compliments throughout is a bright spot), but meeting the collectors, actors, composers, and lyricists involved still makes it worth a watch (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2).

Our couch is absolutely covered in Parmesan cheese. My side more than Joe’s. But still, this popcorn was an all-round mess. It was also tasty, but honestly, I think I’d rather have had a pepperoni roll if I wanted to eat greasy pepperoni and something starchy. Then I’d just have crumbs all over my couch instead of tiny wisps of cheese. (️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Every now and then, Dave will tell me the film he's chosen, and I think, "Huh. Of all the movies in all the world, this is the one?" His tastes are eclectic, and he's certainly drawn to offbeat stories. I'd never even heard of Bathtubs Over Broadway, but I do know that its topic is something Dave learned about early in his days as a sound archivist at BGSU. In fact, soon after discovering them, we became the proud owners of an industrial musical from Oldsmobile. I've not listened to it, but now that I've seen this documentary, I regret my disinterest and will remedy it. Bathtubs Over Broadway hits all of my documentary sweet spots: it's quirky, niche, and becomes oddly affecting the further it goes. Reader, was I expecting to cry a little bit at the end? I wasn't. Was I also expecting Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys to be in it? Also no. But do I recommend this film? Absolutely I do. It's terrific. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

The proportions of this recipe seemed really off to me, so if you click the link below, I advise the following: add a half a teaspoon of salt and triple the amount of shredded parmesan. Two teaspoons of garlic powder in a quarter cup of cheese sounded insane to me. I'm glad I modified, because otherwise my pores would be producing a pungent odor for the next week. Anyway, after my modifications, I can safely say that this recipe produced a more successful "pizza" popcorn than we've ever tried (even though this is apparently not a pizza popcorn). The dregs fell to the bottom per usual, but it was still pretty darn delicious. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

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