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The Nerdery Movie Night #184: 12 Years A Slave and 30 Nacho Nooch Popcorn

A film that, despite its brilliance, is hard to be enthusiastic about and a popcorn that has "cheese" in it.

Nacho Nooch Popcorn

Dave: This was one of our more difficult Nerdery Movie Nights. Not because the movie was bad, but because it was difficult. The acting was inspired - the leads even managed to make Brad Pitt’s acting passable - and they mostly avoided clownish oversimplification of characters. I was drawn out of the narrative by the too-long establishing shots of landscapes and oddly modern turns in the soundtrack, both of which made the film periodically feel like a 1990s Smithsonian educational film. But the unflinching narrative and resistance of white savior-ism more than made up for those few missteps. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

I’m not sure the nutritional yeast was cheesy enough to live up to the “nacho” in the name of this popcorn. But, despite being a seasoning I associate with the constant scent of patchouli, mild rot, and condescension in co-op groceries, the nutritional yeast really brightened up this popcorn. TBH the 3 tablespoons of butter probably helped too. But we have a lot more nutritional yeast, so I’d probably make this again! (️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: This is one of those pieces of art that the Republican Party doesn't want you to see lest you feel "bad" about being white. This film is horrific, and the performances milk the horror from the script - from Sarah Paulson's affectless delivery moments after beaning Nyong'o in the head with a glass decanter to watching Chiwetel Ejifor inhabit his character's systematic dehumanization in a manner that's nothing short of traumatizing to watch. There's nothing easy about this film, but it is gripping and unflinching, forcing viewers to come to terms with incredibly uncomfortable truths. The camera lingering on Ejifor for nearly three whole minutes while he's being half-hung is probably one of the most excruciating scenes I've ever seen in modern film. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Can we all agree that "nutritional yeast" is weird? It is. I know vegans are all-in for its magical cheeselike properties, and though I think it's an ok substitute (and certainly tastes delish on popcorn), there's an unctuous quality to it - a way that it coats the palate that borders on unpleasant. Did I still like this popcorn? Yes. Do I think it would have tasted better with, say, finely shredded cheddar cheese? Also yes. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

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