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The Nerdery Movie Night #189: Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1978] and Quinn Butter & Salt Popcorn

Legitimate scares and our first crossover into seeking a (corporate?) sponsorship.

Quinn Butter & Sea Salt Popcorn

Dave: I picked this movie prepared for a campy, slightly dark romp. Boy, did I misjudge it. Sure, the late 70s nostalgia was thick (the mustaches! the giant collars! the macrame!), but the movie couldn’t help but feel anxious and foreboding. The pod people trope is so resonant and elastic; the film doesn’t overcontextualize it, so it can bend around so many times and places. In the 70s remake, it said something about the waning heyday of Height-Ashbury and a growing unease with government and other institutions. Now, depending on your geography, sexuality, or politics, other sympathetic vibrations in your life respond. Part of the magic of the 1978 version, though, is the inventive camerawork and the humanized, nuanced performances by the four leads. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

This is our first review of *gasp* pre-made popcorn! It’s been awhile since either of us has had microwave popcorn, so perhaps we aren’t the best judges. From what I remember, though, microwave popcorn often had a lot of fake-tasting, greasy butter - this stuff was un-greasy but a bit light on flavor, despite the oil packet included with the popcorn kit that you dump on after it’s popped. The popcorn stayed crunchy and light and the salt packet ensured we didn’t get greedy and over-salt our bowl. The downside, though, is all of the excess packaging that just goes in the trash after, though the minimal clean-up is a plus. (️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: Jesus Christ, it is nuts that this movie was PG back in the day. Not only is it intense, but there's also some bare breasts and bare ass. We've grown far more puritanical as a society (closer and closer to Gilead - yay! /s). Anyway, there's a reason the 1970s are considered the peak filmmaking decade. This movie has aged well, and is really progressive, creativity-wise. Creative camera angles, fantastic lighting, and legitimately spine-tingling sequences are all highlighted by an otherworldly soundtrack. There's also some pretty shocking violence, and the special effects are way head of their time. A solid creature feature with an ending that would most assuredly not land a PG in this day and age. Long will it linger. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

We are (obviously) not in this blog business for the likes or the cross-promotions. After 6 years of running it, we average about 30 views a post. That ain't influencer status, and we never cared to achieve those levels. We run this blog because it's fun... even if zero people read it. Anyway, our brother-in-law (hi, Ian!) sent us some of this popcorn, and we felt we owed it to him to make it. After years of making popcorn on the stove, I'm a bit suspicious now of microwave popcorn. However, this was... surprisingly good. The butter and sea salt powder is surprisingly flavorful, even if it doesn't quite measure up to the real thing. But holy shit, would I pay $30 for 12 packs? Hell no. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Quinn

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