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The Nerdery Movie Night #207: The Prowler and Fajita Popcorn

ACAB, even in 1951.

Fajita Popcorn

Dave: If you take all of the ridiculous 1950s drama and plot holes (geology as plot point, fragile lacquer records surviving in the desert, random trip to random ghost town, etc.), this film is incredibly sad. The (probably fake) spare desert sets and the bizarre, combative male-female relationships give the film a despondent, hopeless air. An innocent man dies, a baby is born into a hopeless situation, and the main love interest is a sociopath: this is not the making of a run-of-the-mill rom com. Even so, it was hard to get over the strange plot turns, like the cop who was so broke he lived in a motel suddenly being able to buy a relatively nice motel in Las Vegas. Still, this was worth a watch, as much for the convoluted plot as for the bracing continental accents of the main characters and the bizarre rural New England accents of everyone else. (️️⭐️⭐️1/2)

I love fajitas. I love popcorn. This popcorn didn’t taste at all like fajitas and wasn’t served in a searing hot, burn-your-skin-off skillet. Also, there was no melty cheese. Still, it was delicious. Joe made enough to feed a small army* and I managed to eat roughly 2/3 of it. It was spicy with a hint of tomato - Penzey’s spice blends can do no wrong! (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️).

Joe: I don't possess the vocabulary to write lucidly enough about this film. Then again, the scriptwriters and filmmakers didn't create a lucid film, so we're even on that front. This has all the markings of a film from the time period: American actors speaking in that bizarre quasi-British continental accent, character development as subtle as a ball peen hammer to the temple, questionable motives - hell, questionable plot points, nonsensical dialogue, and an ending so abrupt it nearly divorces itself from everything that happened before it. In terms of the elements of plot, this is all exposition and rising action, a batshit climax and ABSOLUTELY NO FALLING ACTION OR RESOLUTION. Still, despite scratching my head the entire time, I couldn't tear my eyes away. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

I'm going to have to start relying on actual recipes soon. Although my homemade excursions have heretofore been fairly successful, my enthusiasm for crafting bespoke recipes is waning. Sure, throwing Penzey's spices and butter on popcorn is a solid idea, but there's very little to say about the outcome. Do you like Penzey's fajita mix? Do you like butter? Do you like popcorn? Then you'll like all three of them together. While this popcorn was delicious, I might have overdone it by throwing some crunchy onions on the affair. Good, not great. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Joe Prince 💅🏻

The Prowler on IMDB.

*gentle reader, I made as much popcorn as we always do: 3/4 cups of popcorn popped in 1/4 cup of oil.

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