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The Nerdery Movie Night #208: Senior Year and Falafel Popcorn

Rebel Wilson is the patron saint of The Nerdery™.

Falafel Popcorn

Dave: A patently ridiculous movie was just what we needed tonight, even if much of the supporting cast bordered on gleeful, Mouseketeer-level exuberance for much of the film. The movie doesn’t break any new ground in the going-back-to-high-school trope, but the 2020s look at 90s social norms was pretty eye opening. Otherwise, though, the screenwriters name dropped every late 90s trend so much they all rang incredibly hollow. Maybe I’m just a jaded 90s teen, but things weren’t quite that grim. Still, I’d watch Rebel Wilson in pretty much anything. Even this! (️️⭐️⭐️1/2)

We’re running out of Penzey’s spices to simply dump on popcorn so I had to get inventive tonight. I love the sweet, spicy, and savory mix of falafel spices, and I thought the nuttiness of the popcorn would replace the chickpeas. I was half right, but the salted pita chips plus the salt in my falafel spice mix almost tipped the popcorn into salt lick territory. (️️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Do I unabashedly love Rebel Wilson with every fiber of my being? Reader, I do. Do I love her even if she's in a stinker of a film? Reader, I do. Senior Year is, mercifully, not a stinker, but it is also not even remotely fine art. It's compulsively watchable, largely thanks to Wilson, who veritably throws herself into the ridiculousness. Though the plot's been done in a million different variations, Senior Year still strikes some moving notes, particularly in its denouement. I appreciated how the film took jabs at both über-progressive and alt-right talking points but manages to land on a beautiful central theme: accept and love those around you for who and where they are in their journey. Side note: god bless Alicia Silverstone. Hollywood did her dirty, and I always cheer when I see her in a film - even in a bit part as an Uber driver. Long may she reign. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

I don't know what spices Dave whipped together to make this spectacular popcorn, but whatever the combination was, Penzey's needs to pay him top dollar for the blend. Do you hear me, Penzey's? This shit's gold. Add to that the crunch of pita chips, the pleasant unctuousness of melted butter, and the brightness of salt - friends, we have a winner. This popcorn was outstanding. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Dave Lewis 💅🏻

Senior Year on IMDB.

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