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The Nerdery Movie Night #210: Ils and Key Lime Pie Popcorn

Buckle up - for both the movie and the popcorn!

Key Lime Pie Popcorn (someone forgot to take a photo of the actual popcorn)

Dave: Ils is the horror movie corollary to the old saw about trees falling in the forest when no one’s around - do they make a sound? In this case: does a horror movie matter if you care nothing about its protagonists? Sure, the main female protagonist is a new teacher, a noble profession, but her partner seems like a video gamer masquerading as a novelist. I'm divining these backstories from the approximately 30 seconds scene-setting we get before the deliciously creepy, Blair-Witch-Project-like horror sequences enter. They’re definitely scary, well-filmed, and suspenseful, even toeing the line between the real and the supernatural. The movie as a whole, though, felt like individual sequences pasted together that were more about scary locations (attic! sewer! dark forest!) than about any story. (️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

I don’t want to brag, but I think I really knocked it out of the park with this one. As far as I remember, we haven’t done a key lime pie popcorn yet and since it was 95 degrees here today, the recipe felt entirely appropriate. I reverted to the time-tested 1950s combination of marshmallows and Jello, with the addition of fresh lime juice and zest, and friends, it delivered. The marshmallows (and quite a bit of butter) provided the smooth creaminess you expect from a key lime pie, and the Jello and lime were tart enough to counterbalance the sugarniness. The liberal dusting of graham cracker crumbs didn’t do a lot to add crunch, but it did add a bit of earthniness that the repine was missing otherwise. I’m definitely keeping Jello in my popcorn recipe arsenal after tonight! (️️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Although I saw this film 15 years ago, I forgot most of the plot points - save for the ending, which lingered long after the film ended. This is a lean, mean machine, dispensing with an exposition in favor of rising action that lasts for almost the entirety of the running time. The climax, falling action, and "resolution" all occur in the final minute. If you can tolerate nearly unbearable tension for over an hour, this is the film for you. Relying solely on the performances of two actors, Them proves that gore isn't needed for a film to be unrelentingly terrifying. The deeply unsettling ending solidifies that theory. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Key lime pie is definitely one of my favorite pies. I also love marshmallows. And graham crackers. And popcorn. Somehow, Dave combined all of these with real lime zest (I washed the zester while doing dishes tonight, so I'm assuming that's what he used it for) to produce a popcorn that was gooey, delicious, and, quite frankly, a game changer. Friends, I think Dave's sweet popcorn recipes are changing my tune! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Dave Lewis 💅🏻

Ils on IMDB.

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