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The Nerdery Movie Night #211: The Rise & Fall of LuLaRoe and Himalayan Salt & Pepper Popcorn

We're both salty about capitalism, and tonight's popcorn was a physical embodiment of just that.

Himalayan Salt & Pepper Popcorn

Dave: Jesus, we are fucked as a country. We’ve sold people on a racialized dream replete with class stratification, and done it well enough that folks are willing to go tens of thousands of dollars in debt to buy ugly leggings to get ahead. I watched the cultish thrall of the LuLaRoe founders and lamented the dearth of civic minded religious and community organizations - if some of these folks could have joined their local chapter of the Elks club, the garden club, or even the freaking [probably white supremacist] historical society, then we’d have a lot less moldy, hamburger-crotch leggings in the world. Yes, there were moldy leggings, and yes, some of them did have unfortunately-placed hamburgers. Hell, a working social safety net would help too. Anyway, LuLaRoe is still a viable company, and we can all be angry about that, but so many other corporations that make their dough by ripping off poor folks, and especially poor folks of color, still exist. Payday lenders, phone and internet providers of last resort, and robocallers that target older folks all still profit every day. Anyway, go out, meet people, make your community a better place, and don’t support any MLMs. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Because we’ve lived for so long in a place with very few restaurants for adults, we’ve become unaccustomed to eating out regularly. We ate at the Olive Garden recently and both nearly dehydrated from the inhuman levels of salt in their food. In fact, most times we eat out, I wake up with a mouth like sandpaper around 1 AM because of the salt content. Readers, today we made our own salt-lick-inspired popcorn. At least I think that’s what it was called. The combination of salty Parmesan cheese with a salt-heavy spice blend brought back delicious memories of salt-covered french fries in the high school cafeteria (french fries were a vegetable then, dear readers). I love a healthy dose of salt, but now in my nearly-mid 40s there’s only so much salt I can take. This popcorn was just a bit over that limit. (️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Capitalism is fucking evil. I think this a thousand times a day, and Dave is victim to hearing me rant about what a selfish, shitty, individualism-over-the-collective-good society America has become. LuLaRoe is the kind of company that feeds on this energy, this desire to succeed and become rich, and it's hard not to feel a deep compassion for the women who are suckered into their crappy, parasitic business model. It's nothing short of insidious. The documentary has a surprising twist at the end that make everything that comes before it feel curiously obviated. Still, I was glued to the television, and the film made me hate capitalism even more. Really, fellow Americans, we are well and truly fucked. What a shitty model to hang our hats on. Can we please burn it all down and start over? (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

It was noon today, whilst buying the new Olivia Rodrigo album at Target, that I remembered I should've been ideating a popcorn recipe for tonight. Readers, I failed (and I think Olivia did, too - as of this writing, I've only listened to the album once; it isn't as immediately likable as her debut. My opinion may change in the coming days, though.) ANYWAY. We're low on popcorn kernels here at The Nerdery, and I found a gift set that someone gave us a while ago that comes with its own seasoning. "This is it!" I thought. I then proceeded to pour too much of the seasoning on the popcorn. Thanks to the insane salt content, I'll probably wake up multiple times tonight to satiate the parched sensation I'm currently weathering. Not great, friends. Not great. (⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Joe Prince 💅🏻

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