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The Nerdery Movie Night #217: The Big Sleep & Spicy Korean BBQ Popcorn

We question the Bogey/Bacall draw of the 1940s and gobble up one of the best popcorns we've ever made.

Spicy Korean BBQ Popcorn

Dave: The Big Sleep was full of so many fast talkers, convoluted plots, and improbable characters that I thought for a bit we were watching a Very Special Episode of the Gilmore Girls. With guns. I kind of understand why Bogie and Bacall were a compelling couple, but the plot was so bewildering. It just felt like I was trying to read roadside protesters’ signs while flying by at 60 miles an hour: you have a vague idea of what they’re talking about but you’re pretty scarce on details, feeling a little dizzy, and aren’t sure if you should honk, wave, or flip them off. Add to that the fact that several of the supporting actresses really dug into their parts and outshone Bacall. If this is really one of the best noir films, I’d hate to see the worst! (️️⭐️⭐)

Holy crap, guys. The flavors of Korean barbecue and popcorn are a match made in heaven. Sure, it was a bit sticky and probably called for some wet naps, but it was freaking delicious. This was probably in my top ten popcorns ever: the sauce was spicy, vinegary, and sweet but the popcorn underneath was still crunchy. It might have dirtied up a lot of dishes (which Joe washed, not me), but it was definitely worth it. (️️️️️⭐️⭐⭐⭐️⭐)

Joe: About three-quarters of the way throught The Big Sleep, I started questioning my intelligence. Were people in the 1940s smart as whips? Did they follow breakneck dialogue with ease? Were they able to track multiple plotlines without flow charts? Keep track of characters who looked alike, sounded alike, and had inscrutible motives? Reader, I thought this was a case. Then I read the Wikipedia entry to help me understand a component of the plot that was unclear* and one reviewer at the time remarked on how jumbled the whole ordeal was. However, the film held my attention the entire time and I was mostly intrigued, so it wasn't a total wash. (⭐️⭐1/2)

I recently read a middle grade book titled Chinese Menu, which I think should win the Newbery Medal and Sibert Medal. It was a fascinating peek into the folklore of Chinese food, and after reading it, I've craved delicacies from that area of the world more than I usually do. I had sushi for lunch today, and was excited to come home and whip up Korean popcorn tonight. If only I'd started the day with a mooncake, I would have hit all three of my favorite eastern cuisines. ANYWAY, this popcorn was perfect in every goddamned way, and easily lands in my top 10. Spicy, sweet, and addictive as hell. I'd eat a bucket of it. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Spicy Korean BBQ Popcorn

The Big Sleep on IMDB.

*still clear as mud, folks!

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1 Comment

Gary Leu
Gary Leu
Nov 19, 2023

Ditto guys! Maybe I can get Nae to make that popcorn. - Gary

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