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The Nerdery Movie Night #232: Chowchilla and Parmesan-Bleu Cheese Popcorn

Dave and I agree about "trauma" and also this film. And popcorn. 🎉

Parmesan & Bleu Cheese Popcorn

Dave: Having already listened to a recap podcast about the Chowchilla kidnappings, I thought I was prepared. Listener, I was not. Watching this movie and hearing the decades of problems these folks suffered makes me angry that people throw the word “trauma” around in everyday life so easily. There are other words like inconvenience, difficulty,  and hardship that you might use, but trauma should really be reserved for major events. We were so ill-equipped to handle egregiously harmful childhood events in the 1970s and 80s. I hope things have gotten better since. The documentary relies on some great stock footage and incredible contemporary footage, but also veers into exploitation a little too much for my liking. (️️️⭐️⭐⭐️)

I’m always in search of easy popcorn recipes, and this one seemed to fit the bill. Just dump bleu cheese, parmesan, and a bit of black pepper on popcorn and it will be delicious, we promise! Folks, it was tasty, but only because bleu cheese is tasty and flavorful. Otherwise, it was a bit gooey and disappointing. Maybe I’m letting the bad vibes from the almost devastating movie affect my popcorn review, but I think I’m entitled to a bit of a downgrade after watching an incredibly painful event reverberate through the lives of so many people. Did we eat most of this popcorn*? Yes. Would I serve it for company? Only if I was pretty sure they wouldn’t get bleu cheese all over my couch. (️️️⭐️⭐⭐️1/2)

Joe: These days, the word "trauma" is bandied about so much that the actual meaning has been diluted beyond recognition. But the events in this film present real trauma. I have a hard time watching or reading anything where harm comes to children, and despite being the one who chose the film, I came very close to asking Dave if we could tap out and do something else this evening. This is a nail biter of a documentary, but the less mentioned about its plot, the better - especially if, like me, you know nothing about it going in. I wish the filmmakers had done a better job of explicating motives and relying less on first-person narratives, powerful though they may be, and more on the evidence gathered by authorities. Still, it's gripping and fascinating and very, very, very upsetting. Viewer beware. This ain't for the faint of heart. (⭐️⭐⭐️1/2)

When Dave asked me if I preferred a cheese-forward or herb-forward popcorn, I allowed my id to take over: I wanted something dairy heavy. And goodness, this popcorn was wish fulfillment at its finest. If you like the earthiness of bleu cheese - like, lots and lots and lots of bleu cheese - this is the popcorn for you. If the thought of that tickles your gag reflex, you may want to steer clear. Me? (⭐️⭐⭐️⭐️)

* reader, we ate all of it. - Joe

Popcorn recipe from: some Mommy blog Dave found

Chowchilla on IMDB.

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