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The Nerdery Movie Night #24: We Need to Talk About Kevin & Three Cheese Popcorn

Tilda Swinton deserves all the awards.

Three Cheese Popcorn

Dave: I can't even be glib and lighthearted about this movie. It felt even more gut wrenching than How To Survive a Plague, the AIDS documentary we watched a few weeks ago. Tilda Swinton is masterful and whoever played the young Kevin role was sufficiently creepy. Watching someone go through having a psychopathic child and dealing with the aftermath of his actions is at once riveting and horrible. Riveting because it's colossally emotionally draining, horrible because you can't imagine what you'd do differently. There's no "take off your heels and outrun the bad guy" scenario here. And it gets at the horrible details that no one considers. What do you do with yourself the night your life comes apart? How do you navigate the grocery store? What do you say to your child during prison visiting hours? I'll not want to watch this again. Once was enough. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Three. Cheese. Popcorn. All of those things separately sound good. Three: not too many, not too few. Cheese: would probably be good on dirt clods. Popcorn: delicious and healthy. But putting this popcorn in the oven after it's popped, like the directions say to do makes it taste a little stale. In short, it's less than the sum of its parts. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Um. Well. It's hard to like this movie. Similarly, it's hard to hate this movie. It's brilliantly acted (can we all just agree that Swinton is phenomenal, regardless of the role, and move on with our lives?) and it's captivating to watch, but Jesus. Jee. Zus. It's intense. And upsetting. The question of nature/nurture and the underlying misogyny of holding a mother (not a father) accountable for the actions of a child is chilling - and left to viewer interpretation, driven home by the unsettling anticlimax. Ugh. This review is all over the place. I need more time to think and process. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

There is a photo of this popcorn on the website whose recipes we're working through, and let me tell you - the photo is a master's class in manipulation. Look at the pecorino joyfully swirling around the freshly popped corn! Look at the Parmesan crashing into the cheddar! No. Not at all. I did everything - EVERYTHING - to ensure this didn't come out as a fused ball of cheese with popcorn sticking disdainfully to it. Was I successful? Hell no. Only a goddamned magician could achieve the look in the photo. But was it good? It's melted cheese. And popcorn. You tell me if it was good. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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