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The Nerdery Movie Night #242: The Visit and Butter Pecan Popcorn

In which we both gasp at a twist and mention that reaction in our reviews.

Butter Pecan Popcorn

Dave: While some of the plot may be a little shopworn and the themes and jump scares aren’t new, the acting in this film - and especially the child acting and the athleticism of the woman who plays Nana (or her stunt double) - is great. Part Blair Witch Project, part Cocoon, the movie delivers on eerie suspense, even if parts of the plot feel contrived: “There’s no bars out here!” “There’s gunk on our computer camera so no one can see us, but we can hear everything just fine!” The twist near the end, when everyone realizes this hasn’t just been a nice week with Nana and Pop-pop, made both of us gasp. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

I might have found the perfect caramel popcorn recipe. This was buttery, sweet, rich, and would hold up to other flavors you’d add into it. I’d love to say this was something I came up with myself, but it was another mommy blog recipe that added pecans and called it butter pecan popcorn. Was it a faithful recreation of the flavor of, say, butter pecan popcorn? Nope. But was it sweet, flavorful and delicious? You bet. I did mess it up a little but adding a wee bit too much salt - my bad! It definitely needs a touch of salt, but I just used a bit of a heavy hand. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: My favorite kind of horror is the kind that can scare the crap out of you with minimal violence, and The Visit delivers this kind of horror in spades. It manages to be both horrifying and terrifying. There are some solid jump scares, and the acting is uniformly solid throughout, which is a real treat when you're watching this kind of movie. The found footage conceit doesn't always work, especially in the final 15 minutes of the film - I've hard time believing that a teenager would think to hold on to a camera whilst being terrorized. Minor quibble, this was a hell of a lot of fun to watch, and the twist is absolutely thrilling. We both gasped at the audacity. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Dave got some fancy Wegman's butter pecan ice cream a few weeks ago, and it was truly delicious. I've never been a fan of the flavor, but apparently I've only had cheap versions of it. When done well, it is decadent. I'm happy to report that the popcorn Dave made this weekend fell into sheer decadence - it was sumptuously buttery and slightly salty, thoroughly enhanced by the earthiness of the pecans. He spent a lot of time making it, and the effort thoroughly paid off. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn from: some Mommy blog

The Visit on IMDB

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1 commentaire

Chris Burnette
a day ago

I’ve been wanting to see this one.

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