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The Nerdery Movie Night #25: A Monster Calls and Veggie Popcorn

We were far sadder about the disgusting popcorn than the (ostensibly sad) movie.

Veggie Popcorn

Joe: A Monster Calls is one of my favorite books, if only because of its visceral poignancy. What the film has going for it is that Patrick Ness, who wrote the book, also wrote the script. What it doesn't have going for it is the same punch. The animated sequences are truly breath-taking, ingeniously and imaginatively rendered, and the set pieces are beautifully designed. However, the acting is occasionally spotty and some of the tender moments in the book come across as slightly ham-fisted. Still, an admirable adaptation. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

I'm at a loss for this popcorn. It's kinda mealy and nondescript with a salty blandness to it. The pulverized veggie chips are lost in the earthy powder of the dehydrated snap peas, and the whole mess sinks to the bottom of the bowl, leaving only a dusting on the popcorn. We didn't finish the bowl. Quite uncommon for us. (⭐️1/2)

Dave: Having read the book A Monster Calls in a book club with by Birthplace of Country Music Colleagues Rene Rodgers and Carey Kidd, I had high expectations. It was a supremely affecting story; the book club discussion happened at a local restaurant and I worried that everyone thought we were some grief counseling group. We couldn't discuss the book for any length of time without tearing up. The movie adaptation was faithful - they didn't pull any major plot punches - but it was still less affecting than the book, perhaps because I knew what was going to unfold. Regardless the acting was restrained and superb when everyone could have been chewing the scenery and the animated sequences were gorgeous. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

This popcorn required a trip to the food co-op. No one else carries freeze dried snap peas and with good reason: they're earthy, musty and oddly textured with a vaguely fishy aftertaste. Not a great snack food. Put them through a food processor and onto popcorn and they lose the texture but retain the weird taste. Even the lovely (and colorful!) addition of veggie chips couldn't save this popcorn. It was edible but not one I'll be racing to make again. I'm a bit worried we've left the mediocre/gross popcorn for the end of our popcorn and movie night run. It may be a long, unfulfilling summer in the popcorn department. Take pity on us, dear reader. (⭐️⭐️)

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