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The Nerdery Movie Night #27: Get Out and Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn

Updated: Feb 24, 2019

In which we eat, essentially, a bowl of sugar while watching a film about the horror of white privilege, racism, and liberal white guilt.

Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn

Dave: This movie was brilliant in melding subtle racism in polite white society, racial profiling in police forces, and the normal trappings of a "secluded house/evil plot" horror movie. While as a horror film it didn't do anything innovative in terms of narrative arc or plot points, the oppressive aura of liberal white guilt made it a lot spookier. I was a bit dismayed that the white characters were all super-wealthy professionals, which made it easier to mistrust and loathe them. I'd have loved to see this movie made with Carol from the PTA, Bob from accounting, and Cindy who works down at the Sav-A-Lot. Still, it's a creepy film that is scary both for the evil plot and the more banal everyday horrors that it depicts. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

I loved Cinnamon Toast Crunch as a kid. Hell, I still love it - Joe, I'm sorry that I might have eaten several handfuls straight from the box while I made this popcorn. Even so, CTC + popcorn (and sugar, cinnamon, salt, and butter) isnt a surefire winner. We ate a lot of it, but there was just something missing. It was super sweet without any depth of flavor - like candy corn or cotton candy. I think it has potential and, since the cereal was a Buy One Get One deal, we might have a few more chances to make this a full five star recipe. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: The best horror movies capitalize on tension, not on gore, and Get Out would have been just fine if that's all it capitalized on. But the movie does much more than just that. Racial tension, micro-aggressions, and white privilege ramrod into incredibly uncomfortable humor and - yes - some truly pants-shitting terror, made all the more unnerving by the social commentary. If the central conceit isn't wholly satisfying, it is more than compensated by some truly brilliant acting, sure-handed direction, and captivating art direction. A damn near perfect film. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Cinnamon toast is all about simplicity. The butteriness of the toast with the spicy tingle of cinnamon and the giddy rush of sugar is a terrific flavor combination that even the most refined palette can't resist. This popcorn captures that essence. In one bite you get a salty kick of butter and a hit of cinnamon. But you also get sugar. Lots and lots of sugar. It's not bad for the first quarter of the bowl. Halfway through, though, I started to wonder if I was going to collapse into a sugary shame spiral. A small serving wouldn't be bad, but too much of a good thing turns out to be... quite a bad thing. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

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