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The Nerdery Movie Night #30: Dig Two Graves & Za'atar Popcorn

In which we discover the life-changing za'atar and half-sleep through a "horror" movie.

Za'atar Popcorn

Dave: With a predictable plot, ample xenophobia, middle-of-the-road acting, and less-than-subtle symbolism, this was a solid B movie. I'm a bit mystified that Netflix categorized it as a horror movie, because it wasn't scary, even if it desperately wanted to be creepy. Mostly, I just wanted the main characters to stop mumbling with cigars in their mouths - I nearly had to resort to subtitles to get though, not that the script was either intricate or subtle. This is a good one to watch if you're snowed in and have watched everything in your Netflix queue. Otherwise, don't bother (⭐️⭐️)

This popcorn, on the other hand, was delicious. I'd never had z'atar seasoning before and now I'm questioning my life choices (and questioning the judgement of the Great British Bake Off competitor who put it in baked goods). When not put into a cake, but rather into popcorn, this is delicious: lemony, herbaceous, spicy, and with the extra crunch and sait of pita chips, I want to make this popcorn again ASAP. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: Less a horror movie and more a meditation on grief, Dig Two Graves attempts to exist in both places with mixed results. The acting is spotty and the historic/contemporary components don't always work, but the atmosphere of the film is handled deftly. The appropriately chilly Midwestern setting, beautifully framed and shot to maximum effect, is the perfect backdrop for the film's streak of melancholy. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

A few weeks ago, Dave and I discussed the remaining popcorn flavors. Had we already tried all the delicious recipes on our list? We had had a run of disappointments and the 29 remaining didn't seem promising. But za'atar continues the streak of outstanding remainders. Here we have an exotic spice, beautifully paired with crushed pita chips and butter that prove the be both irresistibly delicious and satisfyingly different. I will absolutely make this gem again. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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