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The Nerdery Movie Night #48: Iris & Sesame Popcorn

A style icon and our penultimate Food Network popcorn!

Sesame Popcorn

Dave: I wasn’t expecting this movie to be a sweet love story in addition to the story of a self-termed “geriatric starlet.” Even if Iris’s outfits were amazing and her jewelry was fabulous, her relationship with her husband was so sweet and caring that it just stole the show for me. Her own story took a backseat sometimes, so I came away wanting a bit more info about how she could afford a huge storage unit and two gorgeous apartments. Also, I’m glad I wasn’t working at Home Shopping Network when Iris was on air - I can only imagine the crazy calls that wouid ensue, given Iris’s personality and her penchant for chunky jewelry that would appeal to the Boca retiree set. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

This popcorn was confusing. I don’t often do well with subtle flavors, though, so I kind of knew sesame popcorn would be a stretch. It was buttery and salty (good) with an oddly sweet aftertaste (bad). And I’m deducting an entire star because of the huge mess of sesame seeds I’m going to have to vacuum out of the couch tomorrow*****. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: I used to reaaaaalllly be into fashion. Like, subscriptions to Marie Clare, Vogue, and Elle simultaneously. I still do enjoy fashion - if only because it engages the sense of fantasy via art and architecture. Iris Apfel is such a magnetic figure in that world, and I was hopeful that this documentary would trace that line - her genesis to her legacy. It doesn’t. Mostly it’s just people swooning over Iris with snippets of her dishing out sage advice and looking like a million friggin’ dollars. So it’s a good documentary for a surface introduction, but a frustrating one for depth. Still. It’s Iris Apfel. She’s an icon. Bow down, bitches. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Sometimes I wonder if there were tasters/testers for the recipes we’ve been working off of, or if the folks at Food Network were just like, “Our brand is unimpeachable; we’ll just toss some shit around and see what happens.” Sesame popcorn isn’t bad. Really. But the proportions are waaaaaaay off. 2/3 cups of sesame seeds went into this. That’s a bottle and a half. Read that again. A BOTTLE AND A HALF. So that goes on 16 cups of popcorn, which seems sane until you get to the bottom of the bowl and there’s literally a soup of sesame seeds and melted butter. Anyway. I thought it was delicious - salty and earthy and sugary. Just disproportionate. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

***** PLEASE. I’M the one who’ll be vacuuming the floor. - JP

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