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The Nerdery Movie Night #63: The Shape of Water and Buffalo Ranch Popcorn

Appropriately soggy popcorn for a water-themed film.

Buffalo Ranch Popcorn

Dave: I’d heard so many great things about this movie from friends - maybe it was overhyped. Don’t get me wrong: it was a lovely film. The acting was great on all counts, the story was sweet, and the cinematography and score made the whole thing feel a bit like a fairytale, letting you suspend your disbelief as a viewer and enjoy the lizard and woman in love. But somehow I’d been led to expect more than just a sweet story with good acting. This didn’t leave me feeling or thinking or daydreaming about anything - I’m not sure it will resonate long after like some films. But still, I’m glad I saw it. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

The curse of the soggy popcorn strikes again! And in addition to being soggy, this was also incredibly salty. I’m not sure the ranch really added anything to the mix besides salt, really - the buffalo sauce really overpowered everything. That said, if we could find a way around the soggy popcorn thing, I’d make this again. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: Wow. I thought I was going to love this movie so much more than I actually did. It isn’t bad by any long stretch of the imagination. The acting is fantastic across the board and the film is beautifully shot - with Guillermo del Toro at the helm, how could it be any less than sheer perfection? Cinematography and set design were also spot on. But my compliments end there. The color palette that literally could have been yanked from any scene in Amélie. It felt derivative. The plot that was shopworn and threadbare - even though it’s a supernatural creature, it’s been done before. The weird musical number was goofy and the pull-at-the-heartstrings ending was undone by melodrama. It’s a fine movie, but it wasn’t worthy of Best Picture. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

So far, every savory popcorn we’ve tried from this book has been on point, and heaven knows I prefer savory to sweet popcorn. But this recipe suffered from every other popcorn recipe that has wet ingredients - it nearly liquefied the popcorn. This didn’t stop me from shoveling it into my mouth even though the texture was super-gross. Man, we’ve gotta figure the trick out. Maybe let the popcorn cool entirely before adding the wet ingredients? IDK. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Party Popcorn by Ashton Epps Swank. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014).

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