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The Nerdery Movie Night #71: The Favourite and Cheesy Jalapeño Popper Popcorn

We can't decide on a "favourite" (Stone? Wiesz? Colman?) and we both love a popcorn that reminds neither of us of an American classic (favourite?).

Cheesy Jalapeño Popper Popcorn

Dave: This felt like a slightly gritty Merchant Ivory film: the refined cattiness was there, the amazing costumes were abundant, but there was an edge and an unrefined vein of cynicism that ran through the script. No one is likable, no one’s story works out particularly well, and everyone is miserable. But, of course, the main characters are surrounded by rather unimaginable wealth. But for me, it dragged a bit - the story could have been wrapped up in far less than two hours. It dragged like a lot of these films do for me: there’s sooooo much showing (withering looks, sidelong glances, puckered lips, etc) that any plot advancement takes ages. Still, it wasn’t unpleasant. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

We literally had to stop the movie and make a second bowl of this. That’s how good it was. Also, that could be why this movie dragged a bit for me. But this popcorn was a tad spicy, and had a salty bite from the salt and the Parmesan cheese. I’m deducting points because it deviated wildly from the inspiration - who hates America enough to use Parmesan cheese in jalapeño poppers? - but still, it was pretty delicious. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: What. A. Cast. And what performances, too. I know little to nothing about Queen Anne’s reign, so I can’t comment on the historical accuracy of the film. What I can comment on is the phenomenal script, the stunning cinematography, the beautiful costumes, and the three central actresses who devour each other in every scene. It’s like watching three rabid dogs go at each other for two hours. Stone, Weisz, and Colman could literally make pancakes together and I’d watch it. I’ve not seen Green Book, but I can’t imagine it being even remotely better than this masterpiece. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Seventeen minutes into the film, we had finished the entire bowl. In a Nerdery™️ first, we made another bowl. How much of that decision was hunger or deliciousness, I’ll never be entirely certain, but I did enjoy this popcorn, even though it a.) did not taste like a jalapeño popper b.) was kind of all over the place, flavor-wise and c.) needed a little bit of salt. Still. Two bowls. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Recipes by (The Popcorn Board, 2019).

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