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The Nerdery Movie Night #77: The Little Hours and Sweet & Spicy Popcorn

Aubrey Plaza cusses whilst wearing a nun's habit, and we briefly consider only ever eating Sweet & Spicy popcorn for the rest of the Nerdery Movie Nights.

Sweet & Spicy Popcorn

Dave: Does Aubrey Plaza have some kind of horrible secrets about half of Hollywood she’s holding over their heads? This movie was cute, but how did she convince Fred Armisen, Molly Shannon, John C. Reilly, Nick Offerman, Paul Reiser, and Kate Micucci (of Garfunkel & Oates) to co-star? The funniest bits were watching Plaza and Micucci curse at men and threaten to slit their throats while wearing nun habits. Micucci’s night of drugs and debauchery while wearing blood as rouge was similarly brilliant. But the rest - the plot, the laughs, the juxtaposition of the olde tyme costumes and the modern, sarcastic dialogue - it felt only mildly funny while the pace of the film dragged. This is a fun one to watch only if you aren’t paying close attention (⭐️⭐️1/2) 

Who’d have thunk that you could have nearly perfect popcorn with no butter!? Move over Paula Deen and make way for sweet and spicy popcorn! I loved that the recipe suggests lightly coating the popcorn with olive oil spray to help the seasoning adhere. And while making the mixture I thought two tablespoons of sugar was going to make this taste like candy, but it’s perfectly balanced by the cumin, paprika, chipotle, coriander, and cinnamon. This isn’t fancy party popcorn, but it’s darn good and easy to throw together! Will almost definitely make again! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: This film is reportedly based on The Decameron, a book I only vaguely remember reading excerpts from in some undergrad literature class. If it's an accurate adaptation, then it's bananas. Medieval literature was bawdy, and this is no exception. Three foul-mouthed nuns backstab, fuck, and blaspheme on a convent. What fun! Kinda. Aubrey Plaza plays her umpteenth iteration of April from Parks & Recreation, Kate Miccuci revisits her manic delivery à la Unikitty, and Alison Brie is... Alison Brie? She's always so milquetoast to me. Anyway. The movie is goofy and mildly (sometimes wildly) entertaining but far too uneven to recommend. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

"WHAT IS IN THIS?" I bellowed to Dave as I shoveled another handful in my mouth and then (ahem) proceeded to lick my fingers (and also maybe the bowl). He rattled off some ingredients, but I was already in a fugue state, barely intelligible. "We should rub this on chicken and make tacos with it!" I crowed. ("And put it on pork and beef and all the meats!" my brain shouted at me.) The Popcorn Board wins me back into the fold after last week's underwhelming entry. Sweet & spicy is the jam, man. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Recipes by (The Popcorn Board, 2019).

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