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The Nerdery Movie Night #86: Candyman and Greek Popcorn

The movie triggers Dave's memories of graduate school (while Joe hides under blankets, triggered by the gore), and, as the photo indicates, the popcorn smells as mind-blowing as it tastes.

Greek Popcorn

Dave: As someone with a graduate degree from a folklore department, I really wonder why I hadn’t seen this film sooner. In it, a plucky grad student researching urban legends tries to get one over the annoying full professor with a research coup. Instead she ends up being relentlessly dogged by an inhuman beast that follows her everywhere, ruins her relationships and makes her seriously mentally ill. Really, I think this whole movie is, at its heart, an allegory for the dissertation process. SPOILER ALERT: At the end, when the main character trades places with the Candyman, she’s really just become someone else’s dissertation advisor. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Usually, popcorn recipes including cheese are heavy and greasy. This one was absolutely delicious and light. I might be biased because I love feta cheese - seriously y’all, I could eat a bucket of it in a sitting. In fact, we seriously debated making a second bowl of this when we finished the first bowl shortly after opening credits. But after seeing the carnage in the film, we were both too scared to go to the kitchen alone. Still, this recipe is a keeper (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) 

Joe: I wasn't planning on shitting my pants this evening, but here we are. Candyman came out when I was in high school, and I was too chickenshit to see it then. And I'm only barely too chickenshit to watch it now. Scary and gory and incredibly disturbing yet oddly moving, the film elevates itself with an interesting premise, some pretty solid acting, and one hell of an ending. I won't be saying his name in bathroom mirrors anytime soon - you can be sure of that - but this film will linger with me for a long time (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

You guys, I love the Popcorn Board. Their track record with popcorns is pretty damn fantastic, and this here Greek popcorn may very well be their crowning achievement. Let me lay it out for you: popcorn + feta cheese + oregano + lemon zest + garlic powder + salt + black pepper (and I tossed it with olive oil rather than just vegetable oil). If that combination doesn't make your salivary glands go into overdrive, let me be the one to tell you: I would eat this popcorn every night for my remaining days. I've probably made that very statement before about other Popcorn Board popcorns, but friends - this one's the gospel. I've never been to Greece, but this might be more alluring than the men. (Ok, probs not.) (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: (The Popcorn Board, 2019).

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