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The Nerdery Movie Night #94: Isn't It Romantic and Nacho Cheese Popcorn

Both movie and popcorn were perfect for what ails us, even if both were slightly imperfect.

Nacho Cheese Popcorn

Dave: This movie was exactly what I needed tonight. It was funny, kind of life-affirming and unabashedly ridiculous. It gave the rom com an interesting twist, with an unwilling and unlikely main character and stereotypical supporting cast members that play on tired rom com tropes (the too-good-to-be-true guy, the enemy female co worker, the gay best friend). Even if it did resolve mostly like a typical rom com, it was a fun 88 minutes and the cheesy song and dance numbers were an added bonus (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) I’d so far avoided all popcorns where nacho or cheese were operative words because - and its sacrilege, I know - I really hate nacho cheese Doritos. Happily though, this popcorn tasted nothing like Doritos. Also, oddly, nothing like cheese and only vaguely of anything I’d call “nacho.” Still, I’d happily eat them again. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Did this week feel like an entire year? Are you also having anxiety attacks every hour on the hour? Join the club. We needed something completely stupid, and this film checked every box. Rebel Wilson, love her or hate her, is never anything less than watchable, and she pretty much steals all the scenes in this film. And though this is a cheeky send-up of romantic comedies, it falls victim to itself and becomes that which it despises. I guess that's the entire point, but I did yearn for something a little bit more. Frankly, though, this is just what I needed to forget the last seven days. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

In order to make this popcorn, I was required to make an infused oil of dried chiles and garlic, which added a bit to the prep time. Could I taste the oil at all in the final product? I could not. Did the cheese and paprika congeal together into chunks? They did. Was this popcorn still tasty? It was. Is it something I would take the time to make again? I would not. (⭐️⭐⭐1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: (The Popcorn Board, 2019).

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