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The Nerdery Movie Night #97: A Fish Called Wanda and Maple Cinnamon Popcorn

Late 80s "humor" meets a delicious caramelized treat!

Maple Cinnamon Popcorn

Dave: Well, this was an odd trip back to the 80s. I vaguely remember this movie making a big splash, but I also remember thinking that Jamie Lee Curtis played a mermaid in it. Boy, was I kind of disappointed. It had that odd 1980s brand of sitcom acting where the whole cast acted as if they were playing to a roomful of infants, making one oddly contorted face after another while screaming their lines. It also didn’t help there was absolutely no backstory or character development. On a good note, the slapstick sequences were great and the recurring gags were funny if you could overlook the homophobia, racism, and general ickiness. Still, it’s worth a watch with 1980s blinders on. (⭐️⭐️⭐️) 

I’d avoided any caramel-type popcorns because they always seemed so dangerous and time consuming. Boiling sugar just seemed to invite ruined cookware and second degree burns, not to mention taking forever. But, friends, we’re low on strange popcorn ingredients, so I gave in and made this one that uses maple syrup in place of caramel. And it was delicious! The maple caramel, with the addition of vanilla and cinnamon, was sweet but not syrupy sweet, and had a more complex flavor than just “sugar.” And the quick bake in a slow oven made it crispy, not soggy like a few of our more complicated popcorn recipes. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️) 

Joe: Some films just don't age well. This is one of them. I was in undergrad the last time I saw A Fish Called Wanda. In fact, I think I might've seen it right before its sequel, Fierce Creatures, hit theaters. I'm sure gay-baiting, making fun of people with stutters, and animal cruelty were a hoot in 1988, but those jokes feel pretty stale in 2020. Still, the acting is pretty terrific - Kevin Kline is all manic energy, and Jamie Lee Curtis' sexpot act both work in the context of the film. There's not much here to recommend, but it wasn't as painful as some of the other poorly-aged films we've seen. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

I always kinda groan when Dave announces he's going to make a sweet popcorn, but this was actually pretty darn tasty. It was subtle, not terribly sweet, and I wish we had made more. It's almost 10:30, and I'm kind of tired, so I don't really know what else to say. It was good! I'd be happy to eat again! The end! (⭐⭐⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Some random website Dave found

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