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The Nerdery Movie Night #105: Adventures in Babysitting and Spicy Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast

We disagree on this gem (or maybe-not gem) from the 80s and Dave scrapes the bottom of the barrel by picking a popcorn recipe from a Mommy Blog.

Spicy Homemade Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast

Note: Dave forgot to take a photo of the popcorn before serving it, so this is a photo of the dregs. Enjoy!

Dave: If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought this was a satire of mediocre 80s movies. It had all the elements: bad hair, an 80s-tastic soundtrack, precocious and impertinent teenagers, yuppies, and horrible 80s fashions. In sum, it was ridiculous. The plot consisted of a bunch of lifeless backstories thrown together with a cast of borderline tropes. That said, I used to love this movie: the lure of the (fake Hollywood) big city, the crazy hijinks kids and their babysitter get up to, and car mechanic/Thor, who I remember being absolutely dreamy. Along with Pee Wee’s Playhouse and 80s soap operas, this movie also may have been my introduction to camp. Still, it hasn’t aged well (⭐️⭐️1/2)

This week was a desperation popcorn. I initially picked two recipes only to find out we had made them before. Frankly I settled on this one to use up some of the nutritional yeast in our baking cabinet. Making this popcorn was easy and it was pretty tasty, but it was reminiscent of so many other vaguely southwestern popcorn recipes we’ve made before. Dear readers, have we reached the end of the popcorn recipes on the Internet, aside from the really disgusting ones that we’re avoiding? Perhaps. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: I watched this movie so many times when I was a kid, but it's been at least thirty years since I last saw it. Oddly enough, I still remembered large chunks of the plot (Brenda picking up a rat at the bus station) and dialogue ("Don't fuck with the babysitter!") that I gleefully crowed before they actually happened, perhaps much to Dave's dismay. Despite a few bumpy sequences, it's actually aged fairly well, even with some cringe-worthy moments. But. It's still fairly funny and corny and hit all my nostalgia buttons. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Nutritional yeast is an odd duck. There are moments when it tastes like slightly warmed over vomit, and moments when it kinda-sorta passes for cheese. When Dave told me this was called "Spicy Homemade Popcorn with Nutritional Yeast" (shortened in the heading for this entry because of space constraints), I might've choked on a kernel in response. Mommy blogs are the devil, you see, and I can't believe he turned to one for a popcorn recipe. But here we are. This wasn't bad, but it tasted overwhelmingly of garlic - something I would normally find appealing. Here, however, it feels like Too Much, even though Dave assured me there was only 1/2 a tablespoon or something. Thank god for quarantining, because I think my breath will be not-so-fresh for the coming couple days. I consider it payback for Dave, though. Let's see if we're still married by Sunday. Wish us luck, dear ones! (⭐️⭐️⭐️).

Popcorn recipe from: Some goddamn Mommy Blog wtf

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