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The Nerdery Movie Night #110: Snatchers and Nacho Cheese Doritos Popcorn

Who knew?: Crush up a bunch of Nacho Cheese Doritos and sprinkle them over popcorn for maximum tastiness. Who knew?: Teens saving their town from an alien invasion is... slightly better than okay.

Nacho Cheese Doritos Popcorn

Dave: If the SyFy channel made an after-school special about teen pregnancy, it might turn out like this film: totally gory, completely campy, and absolutely hilarious. The plot points around ancient Mayan totems, stupid white people, maternal instincts, high school cliques, and teenage hormones was hopelessly convoluted, but the main characters made the best of it. The two teenage girls trying to save the world (while not letting mom find out they’d gotten knocked up) were spunky and hilarious, but pretty much everyone else was paper-thin and expendable. Still. It makes for a nice - if not transcendent - evening of escapism. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

Maybe I wasn’t a good teenager, but I was never a fan of nacho cheese Doritos. They got your fingers greasy and made everything you touched orange, but always had a strange musty aftertaste that I could never really stomach. I guess I just needed to crumble them up, add a bit more salt (hello, high blood pressure!) and mix them with butter! I couldn’t stop eating this popcorn. So much so that Joe had to stop and vacuum the couch because there were so many Dorito crumbs. In my defense, when there are just a bunch of Dorito crumbs dumped on the popcorn, they’re going to get all over everything. Still, this popcorn was definitely more than the sum of its parts! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: Gore and comedy rarely work well together. On one hand, there's Tucker and Dale vs Evil or Slither. But often the results yield films like Little Evil, which we've previously reviewed: not great, but not terrible. This film doesn't achieve the heights of the formers or the mediocrity of the latter. It has laugh-out-loud moments combined with some fairly effective gross-out sequences, some tongue-in-cheek social commentary while dipping into slightly icky cultural exoticism. However, it remains fully aware of itself for the duration of its running time, right down to the pat Kumbaya ending. It's watchable while being supremely dumb. A prime popcorn flick. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

It's been over a year since we've tried a popcorn from this recipe book - one that, as I recall, has yielded decidedly mixed results. This recipe couldn't have been easier: pulse a bunch of nacho cheese Doritos with some salt in a food processor and toss it with the popcorn, adding melted butter. The result: salty deliciousness. Seriously. I could've eaten this entire bowl myself. All this time I've thought that the tastiest popcorn recipes call for some level of sophistication. This bullshit recipe begs to differ, and I'm a better (and slightly unhealthier) man for it. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Party Popcorn by Ashton Epps Swank. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014).

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