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The Nerdery Movie Night #113: Jojo Rabbit and Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Popcorn

Is Hitler funny? Emphatically no. Is this movie? Yes. Are oatmeal raisin cookies delicious? Absolutely. No follow-up question needed.

Oops. Here's the empty bowl from the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Popcorn

Dave: Despite some stellar performances by Roman Griffin Davis as Jojo, Scarlett Johansson, and Taika Waititi as a zany, imaginary friend version of Adolf Hitler, this movie couldn’t quite find its footing. The tale it tells - of finding good in horrible times, connecting with people, and seeing through bullshit - should be all it needs to make it an instant modern classic. But it was marred by going middle-ground on the plot - the good vs. evil, fairy-tale like tone didn’t quite permeate the movie. It remained a little stuck between grittiness and war on the one hand and imaginary friends and flights of fancy on the other.  Still, it was affecting and the themes of isolation, fear, anxiety, and not knowing what to believe really hit home now - probably even more than they did when the film was released. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2) 

Maybe I found a not-too-sweet popcorn that Joe won’t absolutely hate?? This did have a fair amount of actual sugar in it, as well as raisins and granola, but the overall effect wasn’t treacly sweet like many of the sweet popcorns we’ve had so far. Instead it was a little warming, thanks to the generous dollop of cinnamon. It could have used a tiny bit of salt, and maybe some nutmeg or other oatmeal raisin cookie spices, but now I sound like those people who leave reviews on AllRecipes saying how great the recipe was, but.... substituted the popcorn for bourbon and the granola for vermouth, and the butter, sugar, and cinnamon for orange bitters, Angostura bitters, and a brandied cherry. Still, with a few tweaks this recipe for popcorn made a really good Manhattan, and I’d definitely make it again. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2) 

Joe: I was hesitant about this film. The reviews were middling, and the central conceit is pretty appalling: since when is a comedy about Hitler even remotely appropriate? Well, it isn't ever. But in the hands of Taika Waititi, it is incisive, searingly funny, and to-the-bone affecting. It draws some pretty strong parallels to the modern rise of the far-right movement, and how easily duped an uneducated populace can be - especially the susceptibility of children. The acting is across-the-board stellar: ScarJo imbues her character with verve and heart, the two principal child actors are alarmingly seasoned and nuanced, and the kid who plays Yorki has the comedic timing and delivery of a seasoned pro. But beyond this, the script is tight, surprisingly moving, and - yes - laugh-out-loud. Like, really, really, really funny. Also, Rebel Wilson. We had no idea she was in this film, but this is now the third film we've seen with her in it since the pandemic hit, and honestly, I think I've developed a thing for her. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

At this point, it's redundant for me to remark on how skeptical I am about sweet popcorn, but I might need to lay that qualm to rest. True: oatmeal raisin cookies are my all-time faves (don't @ me), so this was sure to be a hit. And it was. Buttery and brown sugary and oatmealy and raisiny and popcorny. I wanted a whole bowl just for myself. Maybe sweet popcorn ain't so bad after all. Or maybe the Popcorn Board is just a bunch of badasses. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: The Popcorn Board

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