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The Nerdery Movie Night #119: Killer Klowns from Outer Space and Pumpkin Spice Popcorn

Klown Kamp and basic-bitch-PSLs to kick off October!

Pumpkin Spice Popcorn* (courtesy of the Popcorn Board)

Dave: So, I guess we're on a campy horror kick: last week was the Blob and this week was...whatever this was. Killer Klowns lies somewhere between Scooby Doo, the Breakfast Club, and Plan 9 from Outer Space, but with more plot holes and worse acting than all three. One of the few saving graces was watching Mooney, the old cop that said "those darn kids!" a lot, nearly wink at the camera during his monologues as if to say "hey, really - I could've had a career! I can emote! My gravelly voice commands a stage!" And then later, a Killer Klown paints circles of rouge on his cheeks and (literally) makes him a ventriloquist's dummy. I still don't quite understand what happened, except that every single trope of bad horror got squished into one movie with a lot of bad special effects and hairspray. So. Much. Hairspray. (⭐️⭐️). 

I really chose this popcorn because it's finally getting cold enough that I need to wear a blanket around the house at all times. That is, it's dipping below 65 far too regularly for my taste. But this popcorn was actually good, despite having several tablespoons of both maple syrup and brown sugar in it. Maybe the magic was the fact that we didn't have pumpkin spice and our spice grinder was broken, so we couldn't make any, either. Instead, we had to use Penzey's pie spice, a deliciously warming blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and ginger. I think that really upped the ante and with the pecans, butter and popcorn made a sweet - but not sickly sweet - snack. Usually we halve sweet popcorn recipes so we don't overeat and make ourselves sick, but I think we could've finished a full serving of this stuff! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: Since it's October, we're diving into horror movies as is tradition (though long-time readers will note that we watch a fair number of these throughout the year anyway). It was a toss-up this week: I couldn't decide if I wanted to watch full-on horror or something more horror-adjacent. I settled on Killer Klowns from Outer Space because I remember desperately wanting to see it when it was in theaters, and I knew it had since become a cult camp classic. It was... ok. It was neither quite as over-the-top in its horror nor giddy enough in its comedy. There were some clever sequences - like the police officer's dead body being used as a ventriloquist or the beheading of the motorcycle gang member - but too often the material was overshadowed with the inescapable 1980s corniness of the time. With a bigger budget, this could've been a blast. (⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Dave surprised me with this pick. Not because it was sweet - of the two of us, he's far more likely to pursue the sweet popcorns - but because I didn't think he was a "basic bitch" who gravitated toward that PSL goodness. But y'know - maybe 10 million sweater-wearing, wholesome Christian white girl influencers can't be wrong: pumpkin spice ain't bad... at least not on this popcorn. It wasn't too sweet, and I definitely craved more when all was said and done. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

*Like all good librarians, we must cite the source of this image. Dave forgot to take a photo of our popcorn. So, dear Popcorn Board, we hope you will forgive us (and by "us", we mean "Dave") for pillaging your photo - which, for the record, looks nothing like what ours did.

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