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The Nerdery Movie Night #188: Misery and Mint Chocolate Chip Popcorn

Thank god the filmmakers had enough common sense not to replicate what happens to Paul Sheldon in the book. Jeez.

Mint Chocolate Chip Popcorn

Dave: It’s amazing to me that Kathy Bates isn’t positively covered up with awards, but I’m glad she won the Academy Award for this performance. She took a character that could have easily gone entirely over the top (Jack Nicholson in The Shining anyone?) and made it both incredibly creepy and incredibly earnest. The other characters in the film just orbited around her, though it was notable that all the scenes with the sheriff and the townspeople felt like subplots from Murder She Wrote grafted into the movie. Everything from the dialogue to the acting to the cinematography made me expect Jessica Fletcher to involve herself. Somehow the quaintness of the outside world works when set against the chaos of the world inside Annie Wilkes’s home, with its uncomfortable camera angles. Also, I’m glad the pig didn’t get hurt - when the barbecue grill made an appearance early on, I got really worried there were ham steaks in our future (️️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️).

When I told some colleagues that we were having mint chocolate chip popcorn, they both made faces and weren’t entirely sure what to say. And, frankly, when I dropped the mint flavoring into the gooey marshmallow mixture, I worried I’d made a big mistake. Thankfully the Popcorn Board is great and manages to keep the mint from overpowering everything else. Were there a few too many chocolate chips in the final product? Probably. Did I add extra chocolate chips because I couldn’t help myself? Definitely. But still, it was a pretty successful sweet popcorn evening! (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: I read Misery in high school, but I don't think I've ever seen the film. All the scenes that seemed familiar were probably from the previews that showed ad nauseam on the movie preview cable channel I used to watch for hours whilst in middle school. (Yes, that channel was a thing, at least in the DC metro area. I also remember it showing previews of the Kirstie Alley vehicle Sibling Rivalry; if memory serves, Jami Gertz says something like, "I like fish!"). I digress. Misery is one of those books that really stuck with me, because even 30+ years later, I remember the plot points, which made watching the film excruciating. It's a tense, perfectly paced thriller with an absolutely luminous performance from Kathy Bates, who plays "crazy" with the right amount of pathos while still freaking you the fuck out at every turn. The scene with the sledgehammer is absolutely awful. This is one hell of a movie. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

I love mint. I love chocolate. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. I don't think it translates to popcorn, though. The mint was subtle (which I think was a blessing), but the addition of marshmallows added a gummy and unpleasant texture that did not work with the airy crunch of the popcorn. Did this stop us from eating the bowl by the end of the first act? It did not. Would I do it again? I would not. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

Misery on IMDB.

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