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The Nerdery Movie Night #221: Sudden Fear & Dill Pickle Popcorn

One step closer to the perfect Dill Pickle Popcorn recipe. And Joan Crawford is the batshit Queen of classic cinema.

Dill Pickle Popcorn

Dave: As a measure of how much we liked this movie, Joe and I both gasped, applauded, and laughed gleefully as the (fairly sophisticated) double-crossing plot of Sudden Fear came together. I’m a sucker for any movie that uses an old audio media as a central plot device - in this case some kind of lacquer or aluminum disc, I think? But the plot of this film was incredibly tight, the acting was all luscious and over-the-top, some of the camera shots were really incredible, and the costumes - the costumes! - were absolutely perfect. Watching Crawford - perhaps the original Boss Bitch - get revenge on her cad of a husband and his opportunist lover is cathartic. Despite a few gimmicks, Sudden Fear was watchable and enjoyable, even 75 years later! (️️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

As with many of our popcorns, this one had a slight coverage issue. When you happened to grab a piece that was well-soaked in the buttery, pickle-y coating, it was heavenly. Even the off-bites were good, but the non-buttery bits tasted more like popcorn covered with dill than actual dill pickle popcorn. Still, we finished the bowl during the movie’s scene-setting, before the heroine’s marriage started to crack. When you factor in that this was a TikTok recipe* that actually worked, we really lucked out! At least it was better than Tricia Yearwood’s bizarre dill pickle popcorn that tasted mostly like garlic. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: We've watched some real stinkers in "classic cinema", especially those that are thrillers or noir. Friends, Sudden Fear ain't a stinker. It is genuinely thrilling. For one thing, Joan Crawford is brilliant. Even in her most wide-eyed, over-emoting moments, she radiates an energy that is unmatched by any other actor in the film, Jack Palance included. Her success is rooted in the script: a tight, twisty, insidious beast that somehow manages to be surprising even in its most expected moments. The real winner here is the cinematography, which frames some cunning sleight of hands (the stairs at the summer house!) with genuinely gasp-worthy angles that heighten the tension, especially in the final act. Bravo. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Our friend René (hiiiiii!) shared a pickle-seasoned popcorn Instagram reel with us recently. In typical social media fashion, the "recipe" was all quick cuts with no actual measurements; that is, it was fairly worthless and designed more for "likes" than actual recipe-replication. Still, I love dill pickles and I desperately wanted to make a popcorn that captured the flavor. I stabbed around on the interwebz before landing on this recipe from a blog I've never heard of and intend on forgetting by the end of the evening. I can't say it captures the punch of actual dill seasoning - its over-reliance on garlic powder neuters that classic dill taste. I did enjoy adding a splash or two of dill pickle juice to the butter, though. Over all, it was good, and should I decide to attempt a future iteration, I have a fairly strong template from which to work (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Fork in the Kitchen (idk)

Sudden Fear on IMDB.

* reader, if you ever needed proof that Dave and I actually don't discuss movies and popcorn recipes before writing reviews, here's your proof. This is not a TikTok recipe. Sorry, Dave!


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