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The Nerdery Movie Night #231: Unfrosted and Strawberries & Cream Popcorn

Bobby Moynihan plays an absolutely unhinged Chef Boyardee. That's all you need to know.

Strawberries & Cream Popcorn

Dave: I wanted to watch something a little silly this week, but wasn’t sure I was up for something as ridiculous as a movie about the Pop Tart wars between Kellogg and Post. Boy, was I wrong. Just watching this movie for all the wacky character actor cameos is worth it. My favorites were Tony Hale, of Arrested Development fame, as a second-rate puppeteer and Jack McBrayer, from 30 Rock, as a sadly doomed Steve Schwinn, the fictitious bicycle magnate. Afterwards, we found out that the Pop Tart wars were real, as was the Post answer to Pop Tarts, called Country Squares. While Amy Schumer felt oddly subdued in her role as Marjorie Post, Melissa McCarthy dug into her role as a food scientist, and Hugh Grant put in a remarkably self-effacing performance as a long-suffering Shakespearian actor forced to work as a cereal mascot. Bonus points for Eleanor Sweeney and Bailey Sheetz who played the children who discovered the elements of Pop Tarts in a dumpster and who stole every scene they were in. (️️️️⭐️⭐⭐️⭐)

When Joe said he was going to make a sweet popcorn, I figured it would be something highfalutin like boysenberry thyme popcorn or candied kale and sea salt. Friends, instead he dumped white chocolate (a lovely flavor if it’s used right) over popcorn with ground up freeze dried strawberries. The strawberries were surprisingly tart and a bit acidic, balancing the cloyingly sweet white chocolate well. I’m not ashamed to say I probably ate more than half the bowl. (️️️️⭐️⭐⭐️⭐)

Joe: Sometimes you just have to watch something idiotic, and Unfrosted certainly fits the bill. The script is a scattered mess with the hit/miss ratio of jokes being just about even. Nearly every actor is playing him/herself, so don't come looking for richly developed characters. Those are the two really big dings. There are some high points, thought: The costume design is exquisite, especially Melissa McCarthy's wardrobe, and the set pieces are retro in a delightfully tongue-in-cheek way. If you're a movie and television buff, you'll have a hell of a lot of fun pinpointing all the stars in this film - and there are a lot. My favorite was Christian Slater. And the absolutely gonzo January 6 send-up was *chef's kiss*. There are worse ways to spend a Friday night, but if you're in the mood to turn off your brain, this might scratch an itch. (⭐️⭐⭐1/2)

Reader, you know I love The Popcorn Board. Their recipes have failed us only a couple times. Reader, you know I am always suspicious of sweet popcorns. They have failed me multiple times. Reader, you will be surprised to know that I chose to make a sweet popcorn this evening. Reader, you will be even more surprised to know that I have a new favorite snack and that it is very, very easy to make. Reader, that popcorn is Strawberries & Cream - link below. Reader, color me surprised. Deliciously and delightfully surprised. (⭐️⭐⭐️⭐1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: The Popcorn Board

Unfrosted on IMDB.

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