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The Nerdery Movie Night #31: Suicide Squad & S'mores Popcorn

The magnetic Margot Robie can't polish a turd of a movie while Joe remains unconvinced of the merits of sweet popcorn snacks.

S'mores Popcorn

Dave: Suicide Squad feels like a disappointing Ghostbusters reboot with more explosions, less character development, and a thinner plot. Despite all the action and backstory, I found myself wishing for a huge explosion 45 minutes in because I didn't care much about anyone in the film and would rather it just end quickly. Sadly, it kept going past the point of no return, through the flimsiest of romantic subplots, and even had the audacity to tease a sequel TWICE. They're lucky this one wasn't direct to DVD - I can't imagine who would greenlight a damn sequel. (⭐️⭐️)

We've not had good luck with sweet popcorn, but s'mores may have turned that around. The recipe makes enough for approximately 14 hungry Boy Scouts - needless to say we had lots left over. It was perhaps a bit rich, but the salt played well off of the creamy marshmallow and chocolate and the crunchy graham crackers. Next time, though, we will halve the recipe. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: What started as vapid but thoroughly enjoyable devolved into utter nonsense in the last 45 minutes. An extremely talented cast (Viola David! Will Smith! Jared Leto!) squandered on a plotless exercise in special effects. Despite it all, I still liked about half the movie - but only if I turned off my brain entirely. For what it's worth, I would absolutely watch an entire Harley Quinn film because Margot Robbie chewed up every scene she was in. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

Too much of a good thing is... stomach-churning. Like every other sweet popcorn we've made, S'mores popcorn was amazing for the first three minutes and then devolved into a diabetic's worst nightmare. Too sweet, too chocolatey, too rich. We've never had so much popcorn left over, but I gobbled up as many gooey marshamallows as possible. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

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