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The Nerdery Movie Night #35: Rogue One & Thai Curry Popcorn

In which we wonder how the Star Wars franchise is still in existence and incorporate fried rice noodles into popcorn.

Thai Curry Popcorn

Dave: Do you remember turning on your favorite sitcom as a kid only to discover a dreaded crossover episode? Like that time ALF was on the Loveboat or the Golden Girls episode was taken over by their terminally boring, humorless neighbors? A plot you were invested in was hijacked by boring, mystifying strangers. That’s what Rogue One felt like: a plot that I might’ve cared about if it only I’d had some investment in or empathy for the characters. Alas, the movie was peopled with a barrage of strangers that spoke in ghastly, hackneyed prose and whose ultimate fate I didn’t really care about. When I was supposed to be sad one got shot or blown up, all I could muster was “What was their name again?” (⭐️1/2)

The Thai curry popcorn suffered from poor conception and, admittedly, shoddy execution. The proportions were bizarre: 4 oz of fried rice noodles is about 5 cups and overwhelms the popcorn and measly 2 cups of cashews. On the other hand, the proportionately small amount of curry paste is engulfed by the mountain of rice noodles and popcorn. Also, I did, at best, a solidly mediocre job of frying the rice noodles, leaving uncooked fried bits that tasted like - well - like uncooked pasta. That being said, I ate nearly the entire bowl, excepting the raw noodles. Re-worked to be more proportional, this popcorn could be pretty amazing and is one we will probably make again. (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: How many times can a franchise recycle the same plot? Endlessly, at this point. While it was kinda fun to see the origin of how the plans to destroy the Death Star were discovered, I don’t think it warranted a 2+ hour film. I do appreciate the diversity in casting. I don’t appreciate the video game-ish action sequences, goofy contrivances, and been there/done that narrative. (⭐️⭐️)

I love red curry. I love cashews. I love rice noodles. I love Thai food. There was no way I wasn’t going to love this popcorn. All the ingredients merged together into a deeply satisfying meal. Yes, meal. Don’t eat this on a full stomach. We will definitely make this again, even though Dave pretty much destroyed the kitchen making it and even though some of the noodles didn't fry all the way through. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

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