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The Nerdery Movie Night #65: Black Panther and Turtle Brownie Popcorn

A superhero film we can get behind, but a sweet popcorn that, once again, leaves us divided.

Turtle Brownie Popcorn

Dave: I’m not usually a superhero movie kind of girl - so many explosions and love stories with women who are comically younger than the men they’re paired with. I enjoyed Black Panther, but it’s sad that we had to visit a fantasy world and create superheroes to have a broadly popular, uplifting movie that was decidedly Black. The movie still had trite storylines and throwaway jokes (though these were about colonialism!), but the final lines about building bridges not walls was timely and a sad reminder of the current state of our world. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

When I am one day diabetic or severely overweight, remind me that I nearly ate my weight in turtle brownie popcorn. It was essentially caramel corn (delicious by itself), covered in chocolate and mixed with brownie crumbs and pecans. In short, it was delicious - the caramel coating kept the popcorn crispy and crunchy, even with the chocolate coating. It was still overly sweet - I think these recipes were formulated with 7-year-olds in mind - but I’d still make it again! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Joe: I’m sick to the back teeth of superhero movies. It seems like one comes out every week and they’re all variations on a theme. Black Panther is no exception. It treads tired themes, employs a shopworn plot, and spins its tires in a middling third quarter. But good lord if it isn’t compulsively watchable and fun for the other three quarters. And with a critical eye on social issues, it feels more important than its caped counterparts. Plus Lupita and Danai are in it, and I’d literally watch them read the ingredients on a cereal box. The special effects are fabulous & the action sequences are bold and exciting. A great way to spend a Friday night - the perfect popcorn film! (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

This popcorn is called turtle brownie popcorn, but it just tasted like globs of calcifies chocolate. Like 99% of every other sweet popcorn we’ve made, it just turned into Too Much. After a few handfuls, I was done. I wasn’t the one who made it, but after Dave spent an hour in the kitchen, I don’t think the effort was worth it. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

Popcorn recipe from: Party Popcorn by Ashton Epps Swank. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014).

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