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The Nerdery Movie Night #43: Ghost in the Shell and Maple Pecan Popcorn

Updated: Feb 24, 2019

Cavity-inducing sweet popcorn + baffling and confusing action/sci fi.

Maple Pecan Popcorn

Only 7 more Food Network popcorn recipes to go!

Dave: This movie wasn’t bad for a sci fi flick - there was the incessant bashing you over the head with the humanity vs. corporate machine moral, the awkward, stilted romantic subplot, and a bevy of insane technology that was only vaguely explained (“Of course I can see all your thoughts as 3D computer code! Duh!). As an aside, why do all these sci fi movies have this amazing technology but then it always looks like they’re running MS DOS machines? Anyway, visually this movie felt like it was set in a weird version of the Mortal Kombat video games and the plot was just as frenetic and occasionally baffling as playing that game was to me - remember how you’d always just mash all the buttons hoping your character would do something cool like shoot fireballs but then they just, like, fell over and you lost?? Was the movie entertaining? Sure. Would I watch it again? Probably not. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

When I finished making this popcorn, I predicted that we’d be sorry we only made a half recipe, even if we did have a light dinner before we dug into the bowl. That was obviously a ridiculous statement. The popcorn was delicious and, if you’re willing go to the trouble of cooking maple syrup and sugar to the hard ball stage, then I’d highly recommend making it. But unless you’re looking for cavities or some kind of sugar coma, eat dinner first. It’s too sweet even for me, and I’d gladly finish off a 6 pack of Reese’s peanut butter filled eggs all by myself! Still, this recipe does rise to the top of my “would make again” list as far as sweet popcorns go (⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: The Fifth Element + The Matrix + Academy Award™️ winner Juliette Binoche - anything remotely intelligible- Scarlett Johansson playing the daughter of a Japanese woman (although one could argue Johansson is a cyborg, but whatever) x stellar special effects ÷ cohesive narrative ÷ a film that any self-respecting actor would want to be in + bland characterization x Have I mentioned the special effects? + (again) Academy Award Winner™️ Juliette Binoche - a wooden Scarlett Johansson ÷ something called a Spider Tank (that only had 6 legs) + fun action sequences - 107 minutes = Ghost in the Shell. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

You guys. I just can’t with sweet popcorn. I love maple combined with any nut. Really. Legumes and maple goodness are my Achilles heel. But once again, I was completely undone by how sweet it is. The popcorn was, admittedly, better than the other sweet popcorn we’ve made, but my teeth are aching. I need to find a dentist in Bowling Green ASAP. They’ll have their work cut out for them. (⭐️⭐️1/2)

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