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The Nerdery Movie Night #178: Klute and Strawberries & Cream Popcorn

After some lamentably clunky films/popcorns, we delight in this evening's glory. Klute is one hell of a film, and this popcorn is sheer delight.

Strawberries & Cream Popcorn

Dave: Maybe the “hooker with a heart of gold” trope hasn’t always been overdone. It works nicely in this film - Donald Sutherland is (mostly) cool and stoic without becoming robotic, and Jane Fonda is frenetic and fiery without tipping into manic and flighty. The cinematography is pretty, though some of the cuts and “artsy” angles are visually confusing. The plot left a little to be desired too, since so much of the film was taken up with character development for the leads, but I guess a flimsy thriller with stellar acting is more fulfilling than a tight plot with phoned-in leading roles. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

After almost six years of popcorns, you think we’d realize that some of our favorite recipes are incredibly simple: like rosemary and Parmesan, chipotle ranch, maple bacon. And now we can add strawberries and cream to that list. At first glance, popcorn doused in white chocolate and strawberry dust sounds like it would be too much, but the surprisingly tart freeze dried strawberries temper the sweet-sweet white chocolate really well. I also think the pinch of salt I added helped a bit too, even if the popcorn board didn’t call for it. At any rate, the worst part of the popcorn was blitzing the strawberries - if you don’t put the lid on your spice grinder *really* tight, you risk an explosion of shockingly pink dust all over your kitchen counters. (️️️️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Joe: I like to imagine Jane Fonda, all fabulous hair and sultry bodysuits, reading the script for this film and thinking, "I'm going to act the living shit out of this film." And then she did. Lord, she did. She is magnetic, nimbly walking the line of vamp and lost soul, fully inhabiting the character. She more than deserved the Oscar, especially in the final act of the film during a particularly brutal scene in which she has zero lines. The camera eats up her subtle, pained reactions. It's a difficult scene to watch, but lord is it effective. Donald Sutherland is equally excellent, and I find it hard to believe that he wasn't (and has never been?!?!) nominated. The mystery was twisty and turny (and kind of confusing until the denouement), and the film is magnificently shot - from aerial views of a glass elevator to moody framing that emphasizes form and balance. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2)

Oh, Popcorn Board. You have so rarely failed us, and this recipe is proof of your formidable prowess. Long ago, when we were working through the 50 recipes from the Food Network, we tried their Strawberry Popcorn. It garnered mixed reviews. I seemed to have liked it, but this - this is incredible. Creamy and sweet with the sharp tang of berry laced throughout. The popcorn's flavor is mild enough to invite both flavors to mingle on the palate, resulting in a delightful treat. Despite being full from dinner, I nearly licked the bowl. (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Popcorn recipe from: Popcorn Board

Klute on IMDB.

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